I take care of everyone but no takes care of me - ChanMin

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Back with another chapter and a new ship! The fact people actually read my last chapter is crazy.. It was so cringe but I'm excused because that was my first time writing a smutshot 😒 anways enjoy this new ship oneshot!

Theme: Fluff and a lil bit of angst 


As the leader of Stray Kids Chan was used to doing a lot for the dorm. Making sure everyone ate, had clean clothes, woke up on time, got sleep, and lot of things. He loved his members very much but at times he wished there was someone to take care of him as well.

"Oi it's time to get up everyone!" Chan yelled, knocking on doors as he passed through the hallway. He made his way to the kitchen and started to make coffee and breakfast for his members. 1 by 1 the boys came out, all tired and groggy. They sat at the table and Chan served them a simple breakfast.

"Today we have a fan meeting, fan meet and greet and  interview so everyone needs to be on top, alright?" the black haired man explained. 

"When will we ever get a day off again? I'm so tired!" Jeongin replies back angered. 

"Yeah I agree with Innie, we're so tired, it's messing with our schedules and interactions!" Felix agrees

Chan sighs, he knew it wasn't his place to say anything or compare his situation to the boys but he felt that he worked even harder than them. 

"That sigh sounded pretty disagreeing Hyung, what do you think about this then?" Han questions him and the other members look at him curious. 

"Let's just eat breakfast guys, we don't have much time to waste" Lee Know tries to deescalate the situation. 

"No Minho let's hear what Channie has to say here, I'm sure the other members are just as curious as I am" Han grits his teeth annoyed that Lee know would try to change the conversation. 

"Yes you guys deserve a break but I think a deserve one a bit more, Let's talk about who wakes everyone up? Oh that's me, Makes meals, Me again! Cleans around the house and up oh my it's me again, makes sure we get schedule and say the correct things in fan meets, concerts and interviews? Me, Me, Me, Me, ME!" Chan starts to speak and by each word he's more angered. 

"And those things you don't have to do! We can do them ourselves!" Hyunjin yells back, each of the members agreeing and adding onto his statement. 

"But I do those things because I care for everyone here, I take care of everyone here but you know who takes care of me or shows some support to me in return? No one!" Chan yells and throws a dish to the ground. It shatters into tiny fragments as the leader storms off into his recording studio. He slams the door behind himself and sighs heavily.

In this moment he felt absolutely hopeless, to now know no one cared for the things he did hurt him so bad. He loved to see the smiles on his member's faces from the things he did for them. Chan grabbed a notepad and pen started to write his feelings out. Not like a diary entry but lyrics. He poured his heart into the lyrics. When he was done he walked over to his desk and start to mess around with beats, melodies and sounds. 

After a while of trial and error his song was finally complete. He never planned on recording something so personal to him but as of now he had something. The older started to clean up the studio, putting everything back into place until he heard a knock. As mad as he was at some the members he would never ignore them. 

Chan opened the door slightly and saw Lee know holding a small basket and a grin plastered on his face. 

"Is it alright if I come in Chan?" Lee Know asked, Chan nodded at him and opened the door more for him to come in. Lee know was the only member who had shown Chan appreciation to him. Whether it was small gifts, physical contact or sweet words them were all forms of appreciation to Chan and he loved it. 

"I'm sorry how things ended in the kitchen with you in the members.. I hate to see you like that so I brought a few things for you!" Lee know explained and he started to pull things out of the rattan basket. One by one he pulled out sweets, small stuffies, stationary and many other things. Chan felt so honored. One of his members, best friends, maybe small crush had done this all for him. As he watched him keep pulling out things his eyes started to blur and his nose stuffed up a bit.

Lee know noticed this and paniced a bit, "Oh Channie are you alright? Did I do something wrong?" he said worried. Chan shook his head in response

"N-no this is just a really nice thing and I'm not used to people doing it for me, thank you!" Lee know opened his arms and Chan walked into his arms, hugging him back. 

All of Chan's worries faded away in that single hug, he found a sense of comfort and love from Lee know, what Chan didn't know in that moment is Lee know felt the exact way..


hahahaha Imagine being left on a cliff hanger? maybe it wasn't a cliffhanger but I was getting bored okay! In my life I need a sense of drama and I just didn't feel like not being dramatic in this oneshot today. Don't worry I'll write a part 2 but I have a few other oneshots just before then so you'll have to STAY tuned... Love y'all and remember to eat and drink water!

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