Chapter Three

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"Yes, I'd like the Greek dressing, thank you," Laine said, handing her menu to the meek waiter.

She wasn't ignorant about the fact that he was staring at her instead of listening. It was a common thing in her life. Her mother called it a good thing, but when it came to important conversations, it was a bad thing.

Jen cleared her throat to get the rightfully mesmerized young man's attention.

When he didn't look away from Laine, she cleared her throat a little louder.

"Oh, my apologies, Miss," He lowered his head bashfully. "What would you like?"

Jen giggled under her breath, shooting Laine a knowing look.

This was her fault.

They couldn't go anywhere without Laine receiving stares and sometimes even offers for dates. It was cute, though Laine hated it. She obviously inherited that trait from a distant relative.

"I'll have the same as my daughter,"

Laine sighed, thankful for the waiter's departure. He couldn't have left a moment sooner.

"I don't get it, baby. You're a beautiful woman, where's the harm in having the attention of a man? You're single and you'll have to talk to a man to be married and give me those grandchildren," Jen explained, teasingly, and serious at once.

She wasn't getting any younger. However, she knew the Lord's timing was perfect. Laine would meet the right man yet and she'd delight in having his attention.

The thought made her giddy. Laine in love.

Laine rolled her eyes, tired of this conversation already. "Ma, today is supposed to be a celebration lunch for me. I'm not looking for a man, I'm happy," She patted her hopeful mother's hand, hoping this would quiet her.

"Now, Laine, you know you aren't supposed to be rolling your eyes," Jen scolded her.

This was something she had to get used to.

Over the last six weeks, she was given a list of things she could no longer do. A rather extensive list.

She rarely rolled her eyes, but it stung a little to know that if she rolled her eyes, it could trigger a migraine, which could trigger her brain to react dangerously.

"Ma, can we please talk about something lovely?" She pleaded, slowly feeling herself becoming upset at the thought of her injury.

She was done with rehab, but now she had to live with caution. It was easy to become emotional over all that she lost in the accident, so she chose to dwell on good and worthy things, just as the Word instructed.

Jen tsked. "Oh, I'm sorry, Lainey." She pulled out her phone and opened the message from Kandice. "I have the perfect thing,"

Jen slid the phone to Laine and smiled.

Marszalek Osłoda Home

"What is this, ma?" Laine slid the phone back to her mother.

"This is my gift to you," Jen explained, "Well, the flight is my gift to you, only because the Home is free,"



"Ma, what are you talking about?"

Maybe she was confused because of the TBI. It happened a lot.

Jen took her hand and her smile softened, causing Laine to grow nervous, another symptom of the TBI. "The Marszalek Osłoda Home is a resting home, I don't think I'm explaining it right," She pursed her lips. "Um, the website says it's a retreat center, a Christian one, and people go there to rest in the Lord. The owner, Michael, he's got a heart for people in need of rest, rejuvenation, and peace, which is why it's called Osłoda, solace in Polish,"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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