Pent house attack

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The sun sets over New York City as a phone was heard ringing as gales boyfriend walks over to the house phone "that'll be our food"he says picking it up from the kitchen counter as he answers it"hello"he says holding the phone to his ears.

He then walks over to gale who was still on the couch with her laptop "not the food. It's for you"he says.

"Who is it"she asked.

"May I ask who's calling please "he asked as gale looks at post with pictures of Samantha and how she was a killer with fan art as well.

"He says he's the killer"her boyfriend says as she closed her laptop before getting up walking over to him as she holds her hand out as he hands her the phone as she holds it to her ear"hello"she says.

"Hello gale strange that you and I have never spoken on the phone this is long overdue"the killer says.

"I agree "she says before mouthing call the police to her boyfriend who nods his head walking away before her cell phone on the coffee table rangit was Samantha trying to call her.

"I figured after all these years... you'd want an interview"the killer says.

"Well you figured right so what's your movie this time you angry as the movies or you just trying to stay relevant"gale says as she walks forward looking forward.

"I could ask you the same. Don't you know the legacy characters are disposable now nobody cares about last centurys heroes"the killer says as she turns seeing her boyfriend on the phone with the police before she was shown walking around "then why bother with me at all"she asked.

"Call it nostalgia or maybe you deserve to be punished for all that money you made off the misery of others maybe it's time someone made a buck reporting your death"the killer says as she shakes her head turning around.

"You know your lile the tenth guy to try this right and spoiler alert it never works out for the dip shit in the mask"she says as her boyfriend was shown walking back in before he was grabbed behind by the killer covering his mouth as they pull him behind the large glass shelve in the middle of hr living room in front of the couch and coffee table.

 "Oh but they certainly leave a mark before they go don't they"the killer says as she looks around.

"Richie and Amber managed to butcher Dewey and lanas brother jace stabbed him and carved Dewey up like a Christmas goose how does it feel to loose the only man who ever loved you "they taunt as tears build in her eyes.

"Fuck you!"she says breathing heavily.

"How does it feel to know that you weren't there for him at the end. Not there to give him comfort as he died screaming in his own guts."the killer says as tears slide down her face.

"You're the one who's gonna die screaming"she says.

"Maybe buy you won't be around to see it. You couldn't stop what happened to Dewey just like your not going to be able to stop this "the killer says just as her boyfriends body flys through the glass shelves as the middle shattered as she whirls around screaming lowering the phone seeing him on the ground dead with shattered glass and wood everywhere as she looks up breathing heavily.

The killer appears in the opening as they hold there knife up swiping it clean with there other hand as they had a old cracked mask as they step through as there boots crunch against the broken glass as she was breathing heavily before she runs as they chase after her through the living room and kitchen as they grab her arm going to stab her but gales pulls away moving back before she was stabbed as she grabs the frying pan off the stove and hitting hard in the face as they fall to the ground giving her a chance to run as she runs to the balcony as they chase after her.

She opens the door running out side as they continue to chase her as she throws anything she can in there way as she runs through the other door before pushing against the killer to close it but the killer was to strong.

"Oh God!"she cry's running off through the living room making it to the bedroom slamming the door closed as she locks it. The killer bangs against the door as she rushed over to a door opening it taking out a case as she pressed in a code but do to her panicking she gets it wrong as the killer continues to hit there shoulders against the door.

She gets the code right as the case opens as she takes stage gun out as she loads it before shooting it at the door twice as the banging stopped the only sound that can be heard is her heavy breathing.

"How's that for nostalgia fucker"she says breathing heavily holding the gun aimed at the door before jumping when the house phone beside her rings as she picks it up answering it"you missed"the killer says as she keeps the gun aimed at the door.

"Sure I did"she says.

"You win I'm in the elevator heading for the ground floor"the killer says.

"Sure you are"gale says shooting at the door two more times as she was breathing heavily as she slowly walks to the door.

"Maybe you did hit me. Maybe I'm wounded or maybe I'm wearing a bullet proof vest"the killer says.

"That's why I'm gonna shoot you in the fuckin head!"she says holding the phone between her ear and shoulder with one hand holding the gun a she opens the door with the other as she walks out with her gun aimed holding the phone to her ear as she looks around as she slowly walks into the living room.

"You would've made a good killer gale Sidney never would've made sense, Lana was the fighter and Dewey was the fan favorite but you cracking under pressure and turning into ghost face would've been great twist"the killer says as she looks around breathing hard.

"Keep talking asshole"gale says as the killer chuckles.

"Sure what do you want to talk about you never got to be the leading lady did you it was always about poor sweet Sidney sucking up all tye oxygen what did that leave you to be "the killer says.

"The brains and sex appeal "she says walking around slowly before seeing her dead boyfriends body still on the ground"sorry about your boyfriend all those muscles didn't help much "the killer says.

"They sure didn't "she says as the killer chuckles.

"Can you hold please "she says confusing the killer as she pressed to buttons before a ringing was heard as she whirls around with the gun at a set of double doors behind her as she shot twice as a ringing still continues as she slowly walks towards the doors before the bust open by the killer as they grab her arm making her shot to the side before stabbing her in the upper right shoulder making her scream in agony as she drops the gun as they push her into a wall.

She shoves there face back until they slammed her against the wall again as she gasp in pain as she slides down before they rip the knife out as they stab her in the thigh as she screams in agony before she shoved them to the side as the knife rips out as she scrambled up crawling away as they follow after her.

They kept trying to stab her as she turns around crawling backwards until she grabs a vace slamming it in the killers face as they fall to the ground as she pulls her self up holding her bleeding shoulder as she runs around the couch before being she grabs a back slamming it against there face but they kept coming after her as she runs behind a stone wall as they continue to try and stab her before she runs around the other side as they go to stab her until she flys them over as they crash through the coffee table laying on the ground as she lays on her side breathing heavily.

She groans getting on her hand and knees in pain as she gets to her feet walking over stepping onto there wrist taking the knife breathing hard before kneeling holding the knife up with both hands ready to killer them when the killer springs up stabbing her with a second knife in the ribs as she gasp loudly in agony hunching over as the killer Yanks out the knife as she falls back holding the stab wound as the killer straddles her going to make the final kill.

When suddenly the door was kicked down by Lana as she runs in with Sam and Tara "hey asshole!"she shouts gaining there attention as she shoots at them making the killer flee as Tara and Sam run to gale who was bearly alive.

Lana lowers her gun breathing hard when medics run as she walks over to gale seeing her barely hanging on by a thread as everything blurs around her she may hate gale but she would never wish this apon anyone.

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