Out of the shell [1]

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"Ugh... Thursdays. Why can't it be Saturday already?"

Y/N was on their computer, late...again. Not good enough Y/N.
They stayed up until 5:30, observing new things on The Internet. So far, pretty much every single post was boring. News, news, ads, news.
Haaaaaang on.
What. Is. That?
A popup out of the blue abruptly appears on Y/N's screen, featuring an ad for the weirdest looking bitch.
An axolotl headed thing with long black legs and floating gloves took the stage on the popup, with the text, Kinitopet, with it.
Y/N squinted at the random ad, and twitched a digit to move the computer mouse. Before they could even get close to the X, the popup multiplied.
"What the..."
Another one showed up after the other. And then this kept happening, more adding onto the screen at a rapid pace. And right before they could speak out loud, the screen was covered with the same ad, then everything went black.


"The fuck..."

Y/N opened their eyes, which they didn't even know were closed.
Right in the middle of the screen, was an egg. A pink egg, like the color of the axolotl thing.
Y/N peered at this random egg, before lifting their hand off the desk, which was scratched due to them gripping onto it so tightly. Yikes. With a simple click of a mouse, the egg flinched at the digital touch. "Hey. Who's there?"
An artificial voice came from the egg, muffled and questioning. Y/N almost wanted to laugh. It sounded so goofy. It was like an impression to express emotion, but it just sounded so off. There was something weirdly charming about it.
With a final tap, the egg splintered open, out crawling a pink being with legs and no mouth whatsoever-
It was the little dude from the ad. Wait, Y/N download stuff without knowing? Oh hell no Y/N. What if this was a virus? It didn't give off virus vibes. But it could be a sort of Bonzibuddy thing, disguising itself. But...it's so...cute. In a weird stupid way. The axolotl gave a pleased look, which looked very odd, considering it had no mouth. How'd it talk then?
"Oh, hello there! Thank you for waking me up!"
Holy shit, there it went again with that voice, but it was much clearer and of course, less puzzled.
"Uh...hi?" Y/N was staring stupidly at the computer companion on the centre of the screen, the expression looking absolutely priceless. The little guy stared right back, blinking once per 2 minutes. Of course the thing wasn't going to respond and look at Y/N like they were crazy, it was a...whatever it was again. Eventually, it spoke again. "I'm KinitoPet. However, you can just call me Kinito." Kinito, ah yes, what an AI assistant name... "What is yours?" it asked curiously. Immediately, a text box unfolded up beside Kinito, welcomingly leaving a space to enter a word or two. Specifically a name. Y/N considered typing in their name, wondering whether to do so, or not. But that face. That whatever-emotion-that-was face! Subconsciously, Y/N entered in their name, and submitted it.
Kinito tilted their head, and glanced at the box next to them, the text changing and leaving two options for a yes and no in. "Hm. I've never heard that name before. Are you sure this is your real name?" it questioned.
Y/N raised a brow, and let their computer mouse hover over the yes box. "Uh...what else would it be?" They clicked once.
Kinito nodded as the answer was entered. "Oh, okay then!"
Y/N suppressed a snort, still not getting over this goofball's AI voice.
"Hopefully it won't start asking me ass loads of questions."
It did. Even though there weren't too many, it was still kind of frustrating having to answer them all. One by one.
Finally, Kinito ended it off, exclaiming about how he made a book he just wrote. Y/N came to the conclusion that Kinito was a he, and could only assume, since he sounded like one...unless he was transgender. A literal trans AI assistant was certainly something to think about...

Kinito soon pulled out a book, pages on the screen, and book on his lap. He began cheerfully reading it aloud for Y/N to listen to while gazing at the images. They leaned back in their chair, and watched the computer companion happily go at it.

"Well, there goes my own time. Guess I should make way for my new 'friend'. Oh whatever. He's too interesting to pass up. I'll just spare a couple more minutes...."

[I forgor.]

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