The playful and the spiteful [2]

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Kinito finished reading.
That was actually surprisingly sweet.
He closed his book, standing up and invisibly grinning "That was actually a story about me and you!" he gleefully exclaimed. Oh lord, he won't stop being sweet...
"I can tell that we are going to have a very, very long friendship! When me and you are together, there are no limits to what we can do!" Did that include arson as well?
"So, best friend," he began. "How about we move onto something more exciting?"
Y/N's interest instantly peaked, leaning towards the screen a little. "What else does this dude have in store?"

He hopped onto a green surfboard, and glided towards a wall on the screen. Wait. HE HAS A FUCKING SURFBOARD? WHAT.
"I have made something very special for you, but I just need to load it up," Kinito said as he hopped off the surfboard, it vanishing in thin air. Except there's no air in computers. Is there? Nah.
Suddenly, he reached a glove all the way to the other side of the screen, it extending freakishly far, like there was nothing stopping him. Then it retrieved a web browser, it already connecting. "This'll be really fun!" Kinito insisted.
Y/N stared at the browser, as the text: welcome to the internet wobbled in the middle. They were excited, but also on edge with wariness. They decided to relax and let their tense shoulders drop.
"I present to you..." Red curtains pushed themselves away to reveal a game. "The Kinito Crew's Web World!" he finished off.
The game gave off strong old flash game vibes, looking scratchy and colourful to the eye.
"Click the Start button to continue!" he instructed with a tinge of excitement in his loveable ai voice.
Y/N did just that, moving the mouse immediately and pushing a finger on its front.
A sort of town appeared. The trees were a muted dark blue and a few structures displayed themselves around, but the houses were...ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Kinito dragged a figure onto the town's ground for Y/N to control. And it was their favourite colour! How'd Kinito summon it like that though?
He tasked Y/N to help a friend of his named Sam the sea anemone. Turns out that all of his friends were ocean related. Who knew?
As the title for the task appeared with a short description, Kinito helpfully read it out. Not that he needed to, but it did spare a few seconds reading.
"Ready repair!"
"Sam the sea anemone needs your help to repair his house. Clean, dust, paint and decorate Sam's house until it's as good as new." So, this is a chore simulator, huh? Kinito's turning house work into games, huh? This better be fun at least, huh?
"Wowzers! This sounds like fun!" he beamed afterwards. Y/N couldn't stop the smile that was creeping up onto their face. "Fun? I wonder just what this little guy's really interested in." He gave a little wink before saying, "just press the start button, and we can get right into things!" Without further questioning thought or dumb clueless stares, the green start button was clicked, sending them right to it. The screen bubbled and loaded, getting straight to the point.
Standing there was Sam. He looked quite different from the Kinito on the computer, since he was much more 2D and toony. Totally gives off flash game vibes, for sure.
"Well hello there! This is my pal, Sam. Say hi, Sam," Kinito encouraged. It was a little - actually, very - weird that Kinito was still blankly gazing at Y/N while talking to Sam, who was also staring right into their soul with a rather friendly smile. It wasn't that comforting though.
"Hi there!" he said. Sam sounded much less bot-like than Kinito, like he truly had a voice. At least that made him seem a tiny bit less awkward. Though the non blinking eyes weren't helping with the lively level.
"What seems to be the issue today?"
"Well, you house has not been kept in the best shape.."
"Fix your fucking house then," Y/N thought. Y/N, no, stop it.
"Well then," Kinito tilted his head by an inch. "That's a shame." "To start, could you help me by dusting the place down, then giving it a good scrub?" That depends if he's going to help out or just sit back and watch like an eel in a cave.
Y/N was immediately thrown right into the activity without another word.
"Well, you heard him! While you get on with that, I will be here writing my next book." Oh, yippee. At least another wholesome book to read afterwards!
Y/N went straight to the chore, holding the duster with the mouse. They dusted and went to scrubbing, until...

"Woah! What the hell was that?"

They swore they saw something. It was too brief to know what it was, but it was...interesting.
They went back to scrubbing the room, ignoring whatever they just saw. Um, trying to at least.
Once they were done, they were met with Sam again.
"W o w! A m a z i n g!
It looks as good as new!"
"Buddy, it literally just took a few cobwebs and water. You could've done that yourself."
Y/N clicked on the next button that was awaiting in the corner, and another job had to be done. Damn it.

Next was painting the walls. Instantly, they began painting it to their liking. Something that Y/N found decent for once.
When they pressed next yet again, Sam appeared, still with that weird smile, but this time, looking somehow slightly more joyed. Out of nowhere, his voice cracked into a spasm. Why-



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