Why did you bring me?

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"I can't believe I let you drag me here" I say to my best friend still confused how she got me to agree to come with her. "Come on what if you meet you future husband here?" she says looking at me and smirks and bit before gigging to her self. "Hey! you can't use me being single as hell as an excuse." I say almost yelling at her because of how loud the airport is. 

The reason why she wanted to come here so bad was because apparently there's super hot men here plus she wants to party and go to clubs here cause to her the clubs in New Jersey are "too boring" and "all the guys are ugly there" I mean i don't agree and I would have loved to stay there but she pretty much dragged me here. "Hey look there's our taxi" she says yanking me and my thing's to the taxi, after we get in the car I hear the man play the radio and a song comes on and I swear it is the most beautiful thing i have heard. "Hey what is this song?" I asked the driver, "it's called right here in my arms by a band called HIM" he said quite surprised that I haven't heard of them before.

"Their from here actually, and I think their playing a gig at a pub tonight!" he says looking and me in the mirror. "Were going to some bars tonight maybe we'll see them" Juliet says looking at me and then the driver, "some bars?" I say shocked "I thought we were only going to one?" I say raising my voice a bit, listen I love going out and partying with Juliet but sometimes it can be too much and we just got off a plane ride that was almost eight hours long I am so jetlagged. "Yes we are going to more then one bar tonight" she says now raising her voice "were in a new country I want to go out and your coming with and im not taking no for an answer!" she says pretty much yelling at this point. "This is your guys hotel" the driver says awkwardly to me and Juliet, me and her just look at each other then thank the drive and get our stuff from the trunk. 




"Do you think this looks good?" I ask looking in the mirror at my outfit, "you look fucking amazing" she says and then goes back to finishing her makeup, I already knew what i wanted to wear and what I wanted my hair and makeup to look like so i got ready quickly, It's not the most fancy outfit ever, but it still is an good outfit for going to bars. "Alright im ready to go" Juliet said while putting on her shoes, "are we walking there?" I said wondering how close it was from here. "it will only be like less then five minute walk" she says knowing that im gonna worry about maybe having to carry her back. We got to the (first) bar and as soon as we walked in there were guys coming  to talk to Juliet, every single time we go out together guys always beg her to sleep with them or beg for her number, I don't care that they talk to her and not me im actually happy about it. All the guys that go after Juliet are the most ugly men i've seen, so im happy that i don't have to talk to them. 

Then after staying at that bar for about an hour Juliet said she wanted to go to a different bar, when we got to bar number two as soon as we walked in a bartender went on the little stage they had and said "please give a big hand to HIM!" and then walked off. "Hey isn't that the band we were listing to in the taxi?" Juliet said looking at me and then back at the stage, I couldn't say anything I felt almost hypnotized by his voice as I walked closer to the stage, as soon as i got as close I possibly could to the stage i looked at the bassist and then back to the singer, but when i looked at him he looked right back. He smiled and looked at me while still singing, it felt like he was singing to me, then he went over to the bassist when it was the guitarist's solo and said something. I couldn't tell what they were saying all I saw was the bassist saying yes to the singer. 

Juliet grabbed my shoulder and brought me to the bar and got me and her a drink, "what happened over there?" she asked kinda laughing at the same time. "I don't know all i saw was the singer talk to the bassist and also he smiled at me" I say replying to her, " so you have found your future husband already huh?" she said jokingly, "he will not be my future husband I know it, he was just being nice" as soon as I said that I heard the same bartender say thank you to the crowd so I assumed the set was over. "Hey uh don't freak but you know that guy who was "just being nice to you" well he's coming over here now" she said laughing because she knew that I was gonna be shocked as hell. 


950 words 

Hey guys this is my first ever story! please tell me if you like it and if you have any tips for me please tell me, also fun fact about me I saw right here in my arms live! 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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