Base After Base!

24 1 6

yo bro, do you like my minecraft base? oh.. thats a based opinion
(since typing base after base would be tiring, i will shorten it to BAB.)
Age: 14

Gender: NO GENDER??!!!?!!?!?!?!?!? (He/They is preferred pronouns though.)

BAB just kinda exists. He has an average life, and doesn't really do much. BAB is introverted and their personality is dull, but who knows? Maybe something will change in his life.
His appearance:
Black hair, white T-shirt, and greyish blue pants. Yep, nothing else.
The things he likes:
1. Nothing

The things he dislikes:
1. Nothing

Friends! :
1. No one.

Enemies../People he dislikes:
1. No one.

Siblings! :
1. Nobody.
Creators Notes:
113 words
nahh bro was so boring that they didn't even get a gender 💀💀
this is probably the shortest bio ever

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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