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"So Ahjussi you're a high school student huh?" I harshly sucked on my lollipop. "Are you dumb? Why are you calling me Ahjussi kid?" He made a disgusting face. "Why don't you like being called Ahjussi?" I frowned. "How will you feel if I call you Ahjumma?" He started to clean my wounds. "Only if you're the Ahjussi...I don't have any problem" you murmured under your breath but he heard that. "Yahhh...who thought you these chessy dialogues kid?" I could see his cheeks turned red. "Why are you looking like my butt? All red" I touched his cheeks feeling it so hot. "Yahhh shut up and lemme treat your wounds" he pushed my hand away and started to bandage my wounded legs. "Won't you ask me how did I get these bruises?" His actions stopped and he left out a sigh. "No.." he shortly replied. "But I do wanna tell you" I pouted. "I-" he stopped looking at my eyes. "I want someone to listen to me" I whispered looking down......
"Ahjussi why do you live alone?" I swayed my legs back and forth sitting on the dining table. "Kim Taehyung" he blankly spoke. "My name is Kim Taehyung" I made an 'O' face. "Taehyung why do you live alone?" I again asked. "I don't have anyone.." I stopped my actions. "I thought I was the only one alone..." I whispered looking down but he again heard it. "Why did you bring me here without any questions?" I lifted my head and asked. "My mom always used to say eyes speaks before those lips.." I frowned. "I'm too early to understand these adult deep things" he chuckled. "And why didn't you protest huh?" He chopped the vegetables which I hate from the bottom of my black heart. "My mom was never there to teach me if I should go with the stranger or not" he hummed. "I don't like vegetables" you made a disgusting face. "Well I don't care" he throwed those vegetables into the hot pot. "Are we gonna sleep together?" He chocked on his air. "W-why w-would you think like that? Stupid" his face again turned red making you giggle. "I don't have anything to give anyone but if I can give you my body then I don't mind..." You smiled. "Shut up... you're just 15" he turned away. "Then can we at least cuddle?" You pouted staring at him hopefully. "N-no" you jumped from the table and went towards him. "I don't know how you have my photos throwed into your dustbin...I don't know how you know my name or age....I don't know how you know everything about me-" you hugged him tightly. " But I do wanna know how to live with you.... forever like this" you whispered and hugged him more tightly as if he's gonna push you away. "And even if you know everything I wanna tell you from the first....I maybe a kid but I never had a childhood or I had anyone to tell me horror stories or had anyone to tell me that strangers are dangers....and I'm glad cuz unlike any other peoples I can look around freely with my open eyes.... without any fear" you sniffed his smell. He stood there totally frozen. "Let's eat now...I'm hungry...then we can talk while cuddling" you giggled and started to arrange the plates.......