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To start, I'd like to update you all on my life and give a sort of backstory behind the idea of this story. I created this story back in 7th-8th grade. At that time, I was fixated on Bambi and Bambi ll, deer in general. Around that time, I discovered my love for self-insert fan fiction, which influenced me to write this story. I started to dump ideas into my notes app and I even wrote half of the drafts for this story onto there (rip my storage).

Looking back at this entire story, I noticed the multiple errors I made when I wrote it such as the use of "your" instead of "your'e" or "their" instead of "they're". However, I did not expect this story to get so much attention from many people on this platform so I'd love to thank those who supported my very cringy self-insert Bambi ll fanfiction I wrote back in middle school. 

Where have I been exactly? High school. I just started high school and it's honestly been a weird but somewhat interesting experience for me. I also attend a very competitive school so it's not uncommon for me to be getting assigned so much homework every single day which resulted in my inactivity on Wattpad and other social media platforms in general. 

What are my plans? I plan on continuing with writing but don't expect me to be as active as I was back in my middle school era as I have to deal with lots of responsibilities as I grow up. Over time, I do hope that my writing skills do improve so you all won't have to read an average 'shy middle schooler girl with little to no friends' type of writing. Of course, my fixations will differ from time to time. As of now, I'm not as fixated with Bambi as I was before but I still very much enjoy the movies. However, I also gained many interests so you might expect a combination of multiple fandoms being written about on my account. 

My interests? I could ramble and infodump about my interests all day. As of now, I am really into horror in general but mostly Creepypasta, Analog Horror, and Lost Media; you get the idea. I also got fixated on birds, specifically owls. My other interests include History (Joan of Arc, World War ll, and Ancient Rome), and almost anything fantasy. I've been trying to get into Percy Jackson lately as well. (I might be from either Cabin 8 or 15. I guess I'm just a mix of both?) 

Just in case you are interested in knowing more about me, here is a short introduction.

I go by Mya or May online. May is a short way of writing/saying my actual name as I am not comfortable enough to share my actual name online. I also go by my usernames so feel free to just call me by it. My MBTI is INFP, my house (Harry Potter) is Ravenclaw, my cabins (Percy Jackson) are either Cabin 8 or 15, as I mentioned earlier, and my zodiac sign is Gemini. 

My main hobbies as of now include drawing, both digital and traditional. When it comes to traditional art, I always use colored pencils. I also enjoy writing and reading in my free time. My favorite and ONLY genres I'll read are Fantasy and Science. I am not a romantic type of person lol. I'll only read romance if it's related to a fandom I'm in and if it's fanfiction of course. I also LOVE music, Indie and Nu-Metal. My Spotify is linked in my bio if you're interested in exploring my music taste.

Hopefully, that was enough information about me. I just want my followers to get to know me better because I don't share much information about myself (not personally of course) on here. As mentioned, thank you all so much for the support you gave 13-year-old me. See you next time? :,)

-  mossantlers 

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