First dare

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Straw: *coughs* So, we have our first dare. It's from @Kaniharitama and and it's a dare for Yuu.

Yuu: Huh?

Straw: She dared you to tell Mika that you hate him and when he's sad or angry tackle him and scream that you love him.

Yuu: W-what? But I can't do that-

Shinoa: Oh hey, there he is! *pushes Yuu* You can do it, Yuu-san!

Yuu: *nervous* H-hey, Mika.

Mika: Yuu-chan! What's wrong? Have the humans done something to you? I told you to don't believe them-

Yuu: I-I just wanted to say... That I... I hate you...

Mika: What? Yuu-chan I thought we were family!

Yuu: Y-yes but-

Mika: *turns angry* Oh, I bet it's all the fault of that stupid purple haired girl, huh? Don't worry, Yuu-chan, I'll do that for you!

Yuu: No, no, no, Mika, wait! *holds him ack* It was a dare, okay? Nothing's wrong. You don't have to kill anyone. *blushes* A-And I love you, Mika.

Mika: *also blushes* Really?

Yuu: Really.

Straw: Sooo, nobody got killed, yay! Anyways comment and ask, dare or truth these two cuties. See ya~

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