new life

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"Where am I?..... Ah I remember.....I got hit by a car for safeing a kid.Am I going to die.....ah why do i care, no one.... gonna care if I
Die...right? "And just like everything goes black I don't hear anything. I getting cold.i never get want , All this years
My parents never love me, they never did.
They always love my big brother more than me And my brother doesn't even care about me, they even say its better if I never been

They all hate me.....sometimes I just jealous of another family
Especially my friend. They always talk about how their parents
Love them so much,hearing them talks meke me jealous.
Sometimes I wonder why do I even born,is the world hate
Me soo much?
"What a beautiful girl" beautifull?what are they mean. are...they
talking about me??"she took after you" after who?wait what going on Why do I feel so warm?"what do you going to name her dear"
Wait what you meant by that I already have a name."hmm
Let's see how about... maya" maya? That not my name. I try to open my eyes and that's when I found that I Been....reborn!?.

How? I don't know what happen,but it seen i been reborn
"Look dear she open her eyes"the women say while hold me on her arm "hehe hi dear,I'm your dad and this is your mom"
The man sitting beside the women. Am I really getting reborn
But why. My fate always the same and I'm pretty sure
It didn't change anything "mom dad we there!!"huh who that?
"Taufan slow down" there 2 of them great....

"Mom mom I want to see her !!"Wait.....a another one!?
"Slow down will you, it's not like she can run anywhere"wait how many are they. And with that the man pick me up
And show me the they're 4 son's or so I thought.........its 7 of them,
This is bad. I already have 2 brother in my past life and now
I have 7, this world really hate me "awww she soo cute!!"
The boy with a green eyes said. I don't know what to do I'm stuck
I can't run.

They all look at me and I notice something, they all look the same
Are the septuplet??? How "hehe look she keep looking at us"
The boy in red say with a big smile "what her name dad?"
The boy in white ask "well her name is maya" they all look at
Me "maya that a cute name for princess rights hali!" Than I look a
The boy that beside him,he kinda... sacredring me.
He only looked soo serious."hiii! I'm taufan and that hali the oldest and this is gempa,blaze,Ice,duri and solar"huh what a weird name.

They all keep looking at me and it weird"umm dad can I hold her just for a minutes" hali say and of course our dad allow it,
And yes hali hold me carefully with a help by a our dad, his Ruby
Eyes meet my brown eyes it a beautiful eye not gonna lie
But why he look soo sacredring and I start to cry only to
Get our dad pick me up again, and he seen sad thought.
"Hahaha he scared of you!"blaze mocking at hali
Of course its make hali mad and about to hit blaze but gempa
Already stop them"ok stop it don't fight here"gempa said.

He seem... nice, but that didn't change anything
While I try to calm down suddenly I feel something
Soft at cheek, I open my eyes and saw a smol whale plushie
And the one who hold it is ice "here for you, so please don't cry"
He give me a whale plushie "aww ice its kinda nice of you dear"
Our mum said, and it's make ice proud of him self, duri than
Come close and poke at my cheek "Hahaha look at her little cheeky, it's soo soft like mochi!!"and he keep playing my cheek
And I getting annoyed and that gempa came a stop him.

Gempa really a nice person. they all go out to get some snacks
With they dad and left me with women who knows as my mother,
She keep holding me in her arm and sing me a
Lovely lullaby. She tha stop "you know maya,i think you going
You grow up to be the most beautiful girl in the world "
Beautiful huh, and she keep talk about something to
"I see you scared of hali,hehe don't worry maya
He may look like that but he is a good person trust me"
Her words make me think maybe I got to far by crying like that.

1 hours later they back and they didn't stop talking how cute and
Lovely I am "listen boys promise us you will protect your little sister"the man said "okay dad we promise!!"I not really expecting
It soon or later they Not gonna care about anymore, so I gonna
Prepare myself of what gonna happen next.

Soo umm I hope like it, its my first time
Make my own story. I always want to make it seen
2 week ago but I never want it cuz yay not really
Know where to start it but now I want to make it.
And yes its a story about sibling and you as maya
(I hope you like that name)

I will continue it don't worry hehehehe
Anyway I hope like the story and sorry for a bad grammar
(Not really Good a English)

Anyway bye see you on next chapter

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