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spiky still missing and we still can't find him everywhere, i still looking it at my room just in case i will find it there " maya, oh there you are, what are you doing "taufan said i trun to him " spiky " i said, taufan than chuckle a little and kneel down to me " not worry we will find it later " he said and than pick me up and walk towards the stairs, and go to the living room.

there blaze and duri waiting in front of the door " they here, maya " duri said gempa than came from the kitchen " you guys want to go " he said, oh i remember taufan and the other promise gonna play with me at the playground today gempa then get my hat and give to me " have fun " he said while smile at me, we than go the park together.


hali was walking home with groceries that gempa told him buy, as he walk he past taufan and maya at the playground he stop for a moment and see them playing. taufan than notice hali " hey hali " he said maya that trun to him and wave at him and hali just return it with a soft smile taufan go him " come join us " he said, hali that shack his head " no i have to get this groceries to gempa before he getting mad at me " he said while show the groceries he brought earlier taufan than chuckle a little " well to bad you can't play with maya " he said while pointing maya who play with the swing.

hali just roll his eyes " it's not like i can't play with her at home later " he said, taufan just chuckle " ok than you better go than before gempa looking for you " he said teasing hali. hali then sigh he than trun to maya and than to taufan " watch her closely don't let her go far alone " he said and continue to walk, taufan just look at him as he start to walk away " yeah don't worry" he said.

as he arrived he than give he hand the groceries to gempa and than goes to his room, gempa just watch him go they room wondering if something heppen. as he was on the way the his room he saw solar just get out from his room " oh you back " he said. hali just nod and than go to his room and close the door behind him solar just look at him confused he than just go down to the kitchen, he that saw gempa putting the groceries that hali brought laterly " gem " he said gempa than trun to him " hmm you need anything solar " he said.

solar then sit at one of the chair " is something to hali " he said, gempa than shack his head " idk why you ask " he said solar than rest his head to his arm " im just asking, he seem really wired since yesterday " he said gempa than hand him a drink and sit with him " well i don't know ether, but i considered you been asking if something wrong to hali " he said solar than trun away but gempa still see his face trun a little red " i just wonder ok it's not like im worry or anything" he said,  gempa just chuckle seeing his little brother like this.

hali sit on his bed for a while and than stand up and walk towards his wardrobe and open it he than take something out and it's was spiky, as he look at spiky he remember how maya really happy that fang come. not like the don't like he hate him he just don't maya to forget and leave him. as he was to about to close the wardrobe he was surprised gempa was next to him leaning to his wardrobe " i know you the one who hide it " he said.

hali than panic and hide the doll behind him " w-what no i don't " he said, gempa just chuckle and walk to his bed " why didn't you hide it " he ask. hali still hide the doll behind him he than sigh as he sit next to gempa " i just... what if maya don't need me anymore " he said while looking at the doll. gempa than look at him " well i also know what that feeling is " he said put his hand to hali shoulder " but you know somehow you have to let her go " he said.

hali than quiet looking at the doll and look at gempa " you right i should give this back to her laterly " he said, gempa then smile at him and stand up from the bed " come on, don't we wait her at the living room " the said.


we then getting home since all of us tired playing at the playground " that was fun! " duri said, as we on our way home we saw a ice-cream shop and of course we go buy it some " what ice-cream do you want maya " blaze said, i than point at the ice-cream that want " chocolate " taufan that get the ice-cream that i pick After that we then going home. as we arrive and taufan than open the door and we saw gempa hali sitting at the couch " ehh is something heppen " taufan said, blaze than put me down and hali walk towards me.

he than kneel down and show me something and i see spiky "spily!" i said taking it from hali hand " huh why didn't you find it? " blaze said. gempa than walk toward us " well hali find it under his bed " he said with a wink, i don't know what they mean but i was happy he find it " thank you alin " i said give him a hug.


our tsundare boy

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