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I was woken up by the thunder. I look up to the clock hanging on my wall. It was two past twenty five in the morning. I sigh and lay my head back onto my pillow, trying to get my sleep back. Then, I suddenly remember. My lover, Rain, is afraid of the thunder. I jolted up and got out of my bed running towards the door. He must be crying right now.

We both live in the school dorm. His room is on the first floor while mine is on the sixth floor. I put my slippers on and run out of my room, feeling the cold air hit my face first thing after opening the door.

Rain and I, were the reincarnation of our past life. We were both lovers but because we were both men, our love was not accepted at that time. Us, in our past life decided to end our life by jumping off a cliff into an angry wave of ocean beneath us. How do I know?

I often dreamt of the same thing over and over again almost every night and I clearly remember, the thunder kept us company in our final time. I remember that time, I tied a rope around our waist. So that, when we both lost our life, we will not stray away from each other.

I was shocked at first. Who are those two people? But, it seems like they can't see me, I took the initiative to walk closer. Then, I realized, one of them resembles me. I blinked and rubbed my eyes to make sure I'm not seeing things. That person is my carbon copy. Even he has a mole on his upper left lips.

But, why am I standing too damn close to the cliff, holding a beautiful male in my arms as we both crying.

"Phayu, why is everyone being so cruel to us? Is our love a sin? Why can't they accept us loving each other?"

The beautiful male was crying sadly in my arms. Wait. Did he just say my name?

"Rain, my love, don't cry. We will be together from now on. No one can separate us. Even death."

Rain? Is that the beautiful person's name?

"Is there really another life? Is there really such thing as reincarnation like the priest said? What if we don't get to reincarnate because of our sin? What do we do, Phayu?"

"I'll come and find you. I promise. I won't give you up. Not now. Not ever."

"I love you, Phayu."

"I love you too, Rain."

With that being said as our last words, we both jump off the cliff. Then, I woke up from my dream. It make sense now. I am the reincarnation of one of them.

The dream stop when Rain enter our school as a freshman. In our past life, we were both the same age. In this life, I'm Rain's senior.

I was halfway towards the third floor when I see Rain coming up from the second floor. He was shocked when he see me. I can see his tear stain face clearly. I noticed he was barefooted. He must've have rush out of his room the second the thunder hit.

"Hic... P'Phayu..."

Rain was sobbing, calling for me. He was hugging a white bunny plushie closely to his chest, a gift from me on our first date. I rush towards him and pull him into my arms. Rubbing my hands up and down his slender back, trying to calm him.

"The thunder, phi..."

I feel guilty. I tightened my arms around him and kiss the side of his head.

"Shh... I know, baby. I know."

I then lift him up and carry him bridal style towards my room. Rain wrap his arms around my shoulder.

"I can walk, phi. I'm not injured."

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