Chapter 27: Excelsi- Whatever!

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First thing in the morning, like Ford said, the two of them occupied themselves in the basement, cleaning up what remained from the destruction of the portal.

As they worked to contain any remaining damage caused by the portal's reactivation, Ford noticed a life-threatening danger. "Just as I expected," he noted, placing two fingers on the underside of his jaw as he inspected the machine closely.

"What is it?" Y/n asked, standing beside him. She was seeing the same portal swirling as him, but she couldn't seem to connect the dots easily.

"When you and Stanley reactivated the portal, the instability of it accidentally created an interdimensional rift," he emphasized, treading towards his bag of equipment, retrieving a container.

Returning to her side, he extended his open palm, holding the alien container, and tossed it towards the portal like a ball. In an instant, it enclosed the anomaly, trapping it inside. After a brief moment, he picked it up, closely inspecting it. Y/n leaned in from beside him, observing the way the rift was swirling around the glass.

"For now, we have to keep this safe and out of reach." He walked back towards the observation room, placing the rift inside of a drawer. They continued to clean the basement, even going as far as re-discovering their past trapped creatures.

Meanwhile, the other three Pines were upstairs, relaxing in the gift shop. The Mystery Shack was temporarily closed for repairs, a decision Stan believed was wise after reading the news and discovering that people were still grappling with the aftermath of the gravity anomalies. He thought that all of them needed a break.

Stan stared at the closed door to the basement, bitterness creeping into his thoughts. Thirty years spent together, and now Ford and Y/n were down there like it was their haven. She seemed to forget those decades in a heartbeat. Yet, somewhere in his heart, empathy lingered; he knew they were waiting for their moment, even if it meant leaving him behind.

He ruffled the newspaper in his hands, straightening his back. He dismissed Mabel's comment about her chip-eating habits and continued reading.

Dipper was not doing the best either, trying to distract his thoughts by reading the journal. But he was only making himself suffer when he re-read the pages, seeing the author's entries about his assistant. Now knowing the context, he imagined Ford and Y/n, bonding together like they were currently doing down in the basement.

Mabel was raving about lazy Tuesdays, and just as Stan was adding his own sentiments that he didn't have any obligations today, a sudden boom interrupted them and the door of the vending machine opened with a hiss.

Smoke filled the room as Ford exited. In his close fist was a Cycloptopus, its tentacles clinging to his gloves. He raised his arm, away from his face, away from the kids. It tried to wriggle away, but Ford had it in his grasp. Mabel and Dipper let out screams at the peculiar creature.

"Everyone get down!" Ford warned loudly. "Don't let it taste human flesh!" He said before delivering a punch to the Cycloptopus, forcing it to let go and slide down to the ground.

It crawled around the room, as the three attempted to avoid it. "What is it?!" Dipper asked.

"Can we keep it?" Mabel pleaded.

Stan smacked a rolled up newspaper onto it multiple times. "Kill it, kill it!"

Ford chased the creature into a corner of the gift shop, reaching towards it with his enhanced gloves. The rest of the family watched with different expressions. "Patience... patience..." He waited until the Cycloptopus attempted to threaten him by screaming, and he took his chance, electrocuting the creature with his gloves.

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