Chapter 1

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Eiren shuffled down the empty hallway, keeping his eyes lowered and shoulders hunched in a futile attempt to avoid notice. The lingering smell of stale sweat and leftover cafeteria food amplified his sense of dread. He quickened his pace as he neared the grimy corner by the gymnasium where the jocks liked to gather, hoping against hope he could slip by undetected.

"Well, well, if it isn't Hisper the Whisper," a sneering voice called out. Eiren froze, his heart plummeting. Slowly, he turned to see Gavin leaning against the wall, flanked by Holt and Dirk. The three bullies wore matching cruel smiles.

"Where do you think you're going?" Gavin asked, pushing off from the wall and swaggering towards Eiren.

Eiren opened his mouth but no words came out. His throat felt tight, pulse thundering in his ears.

"What's wrong, freak? Rat got your tongue?" Dirk jeered. The rest laughed, the sound ricocheting off the concrete walls.

Eiren shook his head mutely, eyes darting around for an escape route. But the bullies had him cornered.

"Maybe he's just shy," Gavin said with mock sympathy. "Don't worry, we'll help you come out of your shell."

Before Eiren could react, Gavin's hand shot out and slammed him back against the wall. Eiren winced, gritting his teeth against the pain.

"Seems like someone could use a makeover," Holt smirked, flicking a finger against Eiren's cheek. "This ugly mug is an offense to the eyes."

The rest cackled in agreement. Eiren blinked back hot tears, jaw clenched. He wouldn't give them the satisfaction of seeing him cry.

"I don't know, I think he's starting to grow on me," Gavin said. "Like a wart...or mold."

This prompted another round of jeering laughter. Eiren stared down at his scuffed shoes, willing himself to disappear.

"Come on, freak, where's that famous Hisper fortune now? Can't pay someone to fix that face?" Dirk scoffed.

Eiren's hands curled into fists but he held himself still. Talking back would only spur them on.

Gavin leaned in close, his rancid breath hot on Eiren's face. "Maybe if you weren't such a charity case, your mommy and daddy would still be alive."

The words were like a physical blow. Eiren recoiled, blinking back furious tears. His parents' death in a car accident when he was only a toddler was something he never spoke about, the pain still an open wound. But nothing was off limits for his tormentors.

"Ooh, looks like we struck a nerve," Holt sneered.

Eiren squeezed his eyes shut, willing himself not to react as Gavin's words sliced through his heart. He knew getting riled up would only spur them on, yet their cruelty ignited a fire in his gut.

"Aww, I think we really got under his skin this time," Dirk chortled.

Eiren tensed as the three boys closed in, surrounding him. He braced himself for the first blow, knowing from experience it was futile to fight back. With their hulking frames, the bullies could easily overpower him.

Gavin's fist plowed into Eiren's stomach. He doubled over with a gasp, pain exploding through his torso. The next hits came in a flurry - fists and feet pounding relentlessly as the bullies vented their cruelty.

Eiren collapsed to the floor, drawing his arms over his head in a feeble attempt to shield himself. He squeezed his eyes shut against the pain, willing his mind elsewhere.

After what felt like an eternity, the beating stopped. Eiren lay gasping on the grimy floor, body aching. He blinked through the haze of pain to see the bullies leering down at him.

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