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Hello everyone this is your author, Elvish, i am here to give you all a disclaimer about this story so there are no confusions or questions later on.

Firstly i would like to inform everyone that this story fully belongs to me and i do not give anyone else to use or post my story anywhere else without my permission. if you have any questions feel free to ask away in the comments.... have fun reading....

secondly, this story was created after i saw a video over on reels of someones grandma stealing their neighbour's WiFi, i found it funny but i then had a light bulb moment and soon came up with the story you will be reading. i honestly don't know how it will turn out but I hope you all enjoy it....

lastly, i would like to say, the names of the charters used in this story, belong to the Thai bl series called 'the eclipse'. I do not hold any copy right over them. 

I have written fanfics and stories before but they were a long time ago, so i would like to apologise in case of any mistakes or anything wrong with the story in advance. 

With that being said, i will let you guys enjoy the story....

Author Elvish out....

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