The Lobby

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Mars - Welcome everyone to Among Us!

Jupiter - This is lame.

Mars - Dude, we haven't even started.

Earth - I love video games! What are we doing again?

Mercury - Sweet Celestial, here we go...

Saturn - I think this is a marvelous idea!

Uranus - Yeah!

Venus - Saturn, what in the universe is that outfit you picked out for your pawn?

Saturn - Fashionable.

Mercury - You look like a furry with those ears.

Pluto - I have a robot!

Earth - I have a little mini me on my head! And I'm gonna call her Luna so Luna can be in the game as well!

*everyone can hear the familiar squeak of the Moon through Earth's audio feed*

Jupiter - I'm already bored.

Mars - That's because we haven't started yet. Neptune, are you here?

Neptune - I don't want to be here.

Mars - Okay, cool. Everyone is here. Alright guys, we're playing Among Us. If you haven't played before, it's pretty much a murder mystery. If you are a crewmate, you are innocent and doing tasks. If you are the imposter, you are killing innocents and sabotaging us with various sabotages, lies and deceit. If you see something, say something please. I'm turning on proximity chat so we can talk in game.

Mercury - Sweet.

Earth - Hm, internet problems.

Venus - What?

Earth - I got a message saying that I have internet problems. Eh, it's probably nothing too serious.

Mars - Alright, let the murder mystery commence!

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