Windless Squall (P/4)

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Rimuru stood Infront of a large funeral pyre, several others stood behind him and didn't dare utter a word.

An executive meeting had been held the moment all of them had gathered, and they wasted absolutely no time in sharing information aswell as deciding the course of action they were going to take in the inevitable war with the Holy Empire.

As of now, it was decided that all civilians should be evacuated into the Sealed Cave, whilst the country of Tempest was to be made a battlefield. Many advantage points were set up using the pros and cons of each races, whilst some of them had been divided into squads with specific tasks such as patrolling and scouting. In the end, the meeting was adjourned for the purpose of paying respects to their fallen comrade.

To his right side, Shizue was standing motionless as the mask hid her expression from the outside. It was unclear how she was feeling at the moment, but Rimuru was well aware of it due to their connection.

To his left side, surprisingly, Uri was the one who was standing. The Dragon Lord displayed an expression of seriousness, staring at the corpse of the dragonewt laid down in the pyre.

Behind them, a large line of different races stood in position and order. Each of them remained as motionless as a rock in the middle of the forest, embedded deep into the ground. The only sound that could be heard was the occasional passing of the wind and the sounds of breathing to those who paid attention.

In the front, the executives of Tempest stood a bit more freely compared to the troops. Albeit, the changes in posture were barely noticeable, but they were present.

Tsutomu stood with his head held down, not even the hair on his head moved an inch as his eyes were completely blank. Inside his heart was a burning hatred.

Treyni and the dryad sisters, who had been freed from Charybdis's grasp, only came to give their condolences to the pride of the Lizardman.

Kairi wasn't very different from Uri, albeit his expression displayed a little bit of grief for the loss of a comrade. Perhaps it was because he was literally an ancestor of Adad? He didn't know, he just felt sad seeing a dragonewt dead.

Shadow stood there with a look of indifference, not very reactive aside from feeling a slight tinge of guilt for not being able to detect the direness Adad was in.

She wondered, would anything have changed if she was present? The human that Adad faced was out of this world, even for her. Adad wouldn't even be here as a corpse if it weren't for Rouge interfering, and Shadow could only watch from the back using her clone as she tried to divide her focus between the invaders.

She simply shook her head, the vampiress understood the difference between her and that small human. Besides, there was no use crying over spilled milk.

A swish sound could be heard besides her, a new presence made itself be known to the rest as it tapped unto the ground.

Haruto, your injuries... [Shadow]

The Oni stood motionless, unmoving from his new position. His arm had been restored thankfully, but his throat had been severely wounded.

And not "severely wounded" in a sense the stab was deep or too strong, but in a sense it literally messed up Haruto's constitution in that specific part.

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