Chapter 5 P.1: Don't Let Me Go

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Celeste's POV

The wind was whipping through my fur as I ran, the sun shining through the tree tops and bringing a physical warmth to accompany the happy warmth I was feeling internally. I looked to my left to see Mom running beside me. She gave me a toothy grin and looked over my shoulder, her eyes the brightest I'd ever seen. I follow her gaze to my other side to see a somewhat familiar figure running beside me there. He's also in wolf form, standing taller than Mom and I. His fur is a light brown, sprinkled with darker streaks. His eyes are the most familiar part about him, a deep swirling brown. I realize upon looking into them that they're much like my own. Dad. Dad's here. . . Running with Mom and I. My chest fills with the happiest feeling I've ever felt.

Clouds quickly fill the sky but we keep running, our path losing its light and clarity. The woods are no longer beautiful and cheerful but instead dreary and frightening. Mom and Dad stop their running, I skid to a stop as I too take in the sight in front of us. Three rogues face us, their fur matted and drool dripping down their canines. They're also familiar. A sinking feeling hits my stomach as I realize these are the rogues that killed Mom. But . . . Mom is right here. She can't be dead. She's right here! Mom and Dad move to stand in front of me, growling at the rogues. Dad will get us out of this. I know he will. And then we'll all go home. We'll be a happy family. I know it.

The rogues lunge and so does Dad. Two of the rogues lock with Dad; teeth snapping, claws swiping, spit flying. The other rogue goes to Mom. In an instant, Mom is on the ground. The rogue lunges towards her, snaps his teeth into her neck and rips itself away. I watch, frozen in horror as blood sprays him and Mom goes limp. I hear a large howl and look at Dad. The rogues have him down on the ground as he struggles against them. Dad looks at Mom's limp body and howls again. As he does so, the rogues holding him both snap their jaws around his throat. Blood doesn't spray but he too goes limp and his eyes go cold. I beg my feet to move. To go to Mom or Dad or to run away, I have no clue. I just know I need to move.

Wind whistles around me as thunder cracks through the air. All three rogues look up at me, blood dripping down their jaws. All that moves is my head, snapping between my dead parents and the rogues slowly approaching me. My feet feel glued to the ground. They're less than a foot away when they all lunge at me. I feel teeth sink into my neck and I scream.

"Celeste! Hey Celeste! You're okay, you're safe." My scream dies down as I feel tears streaming down my cheeks. Soft hands are firmly holding my arms down. Everything is blurry for a second as I come to a better sense of what's going on. "Celeste?" I look up and see blue eyes. Zay? Yes, her name is Zay. She's a healer. Xavier's friend. I'm okay. There's no rogues here besides me. I look around her office, desperately trying to find a pair of green eyes. Where is he? "I already mind-linked Xavier, he's on his way." Xavier. My mate. He's an Alpha, which usually would scare the shit out of me but for some reason that only makes me feel safer. "Can you look at me?" I bring my eyes back to Zay, her own full of worry and determination. "Breathe with me okay?" I nod a little too frantically, my chest still heaving up and down. "In," Zay takes an exaggerated breath in through her nose, "out," she lets out a large steady breath through her mouth. She continues this dramatized breathing, encouraging me to follow along every now and then. Hiccups occasionally make their way out of my mouth but I try my best to follow along.

His smell hits me first as he enters the room. He sits on the bed behind me, wrapping an arm around my middle. "Hey," he whispers. I look up to him and Zay lets go of my arms.

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