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Steph's POV:

We arrive late to Quinn's house, and it's sort of partially my fault. My dad absolutely refused to let me out, so I had to wait for him to go to one of his politics meetings before I could sneak off out the window.

"I hope Keon lets her come", Kayla says from the back seat where she is anxiously twisting her ring around her finger.

"Oh please, he can't control her, and it's a weekend anyway.", I roll my eyes as I fiddle with the bluetooth connecting it to my phone and scrolling through for some good music on Spotify. I didn't have time to find a good playlist on my way here. I find the "Barbie princess and a popstar", playlist, one of my personal favorites, and put it on.

"Still", Kayla persists, throwing me a glare as she hears the first song. Kayla isn't the biggest Barbie fan, but I'm determined to convince her. "Still Aaron tells me that he is very protective of Quinn and we don't exactly have a track record of keeping her safe."

I stiffen a bit at that. While Kayla tried to also take the blame for what happened that night, she couldn't be held responsible since she wasn't there. But I was. I was supposed to be responsible for her, yet in the one second I looked away...

A tap on the window shakes me away from the memory. I look out to see Quinn standing there, dressed in a signature huge sweater, and a small smile on her face.

"Get in here girl", I wave excitedly, dropping my phone as she opens the door and slides into the passenger's seat beside me. Under the light, I see that she has applied a little bit of makeup, and her long hair is styled in cute braids and the edges are very stylishly done.

"Love the hair-do", Kayla comments from the back, and I nod approvingly.

"How did you get away from the tyrant", I ask, referring to Keon, and Quinn gives a slight shrug. "Did you tie him up? Hit him on the head? Or you put something in his night time coffee?"

"He actually let me go on his own", Quinn says quietly. "He even braided my hair for me and helped me with my makeup"

I gasp dramatically. "No way. Your twin brother allowed you to go on an outing with me and even helped you look good for it? Are you sure that he hasn't been replaced by aliens or something?", I laugh as I say it, but I am only half joking. The Keon I know is practically a devil's spawn, if the devil could be considered boring and pretentious. Nah the devil would probably be interesting. Maybe a biker dude or...

"He isn't devil's spawn", Quinn laughs, and I realize I have done it again: spoken out loud without meaning to.

I roll my eyes as Kayla joins in Quinn's laughter. "Keon's alright. He's just very uptight. It would be good for him to come to a party with us"

I laugh till tears come in my eyes at the though of uptight Keon at a party.

Some things are just too absurd for words.


"Hey are you good?", I yell to Quinn over the blaring music. Kayla is dancing on the dance floor with Aaron – who I am surprised attended the party considering his strict parents – and I just lost sight of Devin who left to pursue some college girl.

Quinn looks up from the book she is reading and nods with a smile, but I wont accept that.

"Come on", I drag her up, plucking the book out of her hands. How anyone can stand to sit and read for so long, I'll never understand. "Dance with me", I say, as I drag her onto the dance floor.

She groans reluctantly, but allows me to maneuver her onto the dance floor. Holding her book in one hand, I start to dance, moving my hips and throwing my hands above my head.

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