Chapter 18

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Trigger Warning: Attempted Sexual Assault.

Nathan's eyes pierced down at his sweaty palms for a moment while his heart thundered in his chest. For the past fifteen minutes he had been left wondering what could've caused this discomfort; he had no answers for it, though. It was just there.

It was 9:35 p.m. on a Monday, and he was sitting alone with Matthew on the damp park bench in the near dark, far away from passersby, drinking beers from a case they had picked up on their way there. Although Evanston might've been a haven for most, it wasn't a reason to be foolish. No one in their right mind came outside to sit on a park bench at this hour. It was all Matthew's idea. They were supposed to go out for drinks at the local pub for a couple of beers and call it a night. Instead, the other man changed plans and drove them to the park. He said he had something to tell Nathan, something important. Damnit. What could be so important that needed to be said at a bloody park?!

They were sitting in silence next to each other, sipping on beers when Matthew spoke. "Why are you so tense all of a sudden?" He asked with a frown, making it clear with his eyes that he didn't like this reaction from Nathan one bit. "Relax, will you?"

Nathan clicked his tongue and looked at Matthew with a Are you serious? look. "Me, relax?" He begun. "You brought me out here—do you know what we look like?" Matthew arched a confused eyebrow, so he went on, "Like criminals. We look like criminals. I wouldn't be surprised if someone calls the cops on us."

"Not unless we get mugged first," Matthew joked, seemingly hoping to lighten the mood.

"Be serious," Nathan yelled, playfully slapping him on the shoulder. "I swear—ah. Tell me what you want to say so we can get out of here already. I've been waiting for the past hour."

Matthew burst into a fit of laughter, saying, "Alright—Alright."

A comfortable silence befell them. Nathan's smiling eyes lingered on Matthew, waiting eagerly and patiently for his friend to say what was on his mind. One minute turned into two; Nathan's fingers tinkered on the tabletop as his eagerness grew into impatience. He arched an eyebrow, "Well?" He spoke, nodding for his friend to go on. It was not like Matthew was ever shy.

Matthew cleared his throat. "Yeah," he said, clearing his throat a second time before rubbing his palms together. "Listen, Nate... I know you're going to take this as a shock, but I'm sure you'll understand."

"Now you're getting me all excited, Matt," Nathan chuckled. "Come on, spill."

Steadily, Matthew reached out a hand and placed it on Nathan's lap, he didn't think anything of it, though, this was normal, they were friends, brothers. "Knowing you," Matthew said in a stern voice, his blue eyes searched Nathan's face with an abnormal interest. "I mean, you're repressed I'm sure—married for so long to a woman..."

"I'm not sure where you're getting at."

"I mean, look at you. I'm sure... Look, Nate. Let me just get to the chase... I want to sleep with you."

Nathan's heart sank at those words. "What?"

When any more words failed to form on Nathan's tongue, Matthew took the opportunity to inch closer before his palm covered Nathan's own that lay on the tabletop with his. His touch was unwanted; goosebumps riddled Nathan's body like painful pinpricks while the vile taste of bile blistered his throat. He felt sick in the moment, most of all, he felt betrayed, and the question lingered at the tip of his tongue: How could you?

"I know why you told me about your secret, Nate. I know it wasn't easy to do. You're not alone. I want to sleep with you to help you," Matthew muttered, smiling. His eyes shun with darkness, though. "Consider it a favor. From one friend to another."

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