✿ 。・゜・Part 1・゜・。✿

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( if you've read the tsukishima x yn story, you'll probably recognize nyah and emi! same oc's, different story 🤗)


My sisters and I transferred from our highschool to a secondary school in Japan, that I didn't even know the name of.
    My sisters, JJ and Emi, and I were actually from an orphanage, we aren't blood sisters but they are the closest I'll ever get. Our orphanage was located in the US but somehow some sketchy looking Japanese man wanted to adopt us. His name is Mr. Yoshi, our adoptive dad. He's in his mid 40s and very bald. I was very positive he was working for some mafia gang and I still lowkey do. Even though I found him sketchy and weird he still ended up being the best "dad" ever. We were all close but he was mostly fond of Emi, maybe because she was Asian. (no he's not racist😭)
   Anyway we'd been going to a run of the mill school in the US until Mr. Yoshi transferred us to Japan. WHICH WAS A DREAM COME TRUE.
   He never gave us a reason but when given such an opportunity, you don't need to ask you just accept. So here we were in Japan, living in a very large house. I'm not sure how Mr. Yoshi was able to afford all this. Last I'd checked he worked for a small business in the center of town.
   "Are you coming for breakfast?" Emi asked from my bedroom door.
  I laid belly flat on my bed while writing in my not-a-diary-but-a- journal journal.
  She had her usual stern expression. Emi was always serious and put together. You would think that means she's uptight and cares a lot but in actuality, she doesn't care about a lot of things.
   "Are you going to keep writing and ignoring me?" She said crossing her arms.
   "Hold on let me describe how you look." I said, still scribbling in my journal. She pressed her lips in a thin line.
   Emi had long silky black hair that reached the end of her elbows. She was very athletic and could run faster than anyone I knew. She could also kick ass in her sleep. Which was ironic because she was the shortest yet oldest out of the three of us. She barely reached 5'3 but definitely not a force to be reckoned with. She had decently pale skin with a tiny scar on her right eyebrow. You wouldn't be able to notice it unless you were close enough. Currently she was in our school uniform since today was our first day.
   "Anddddd done." I dropped my pink ink pen. "Let's go I'm starving."
   Emi and I walked side by side, passing the bathroom where JJ was still half asleep washing her face. How do I know this? She was hunched over the sink with her eyes closed while the water ran. I'll give her a full description later when I write in my journal again.
   "Strawberry pancakes for everyone." Mr. Yoshi came out of the kitchen holding three plates of strawberry covered pancakes while wearing a pink "best house wife" apron JJ and I gifted him. Which looked amazing with his all back suit and shiny head.
   "Yummm." I said as we took our seats. JJ soon joined us, still half asleep, and we all said our prayers before digging in.
   "How much longer?" I asked shivering in my school uniform. We all matched wearing a pink coat and uggs but it was still freezing. JJ and I stayed close while Emi lead the way to school. Since Japan doesn't have school busses we had to walk. In 20 degree weather.
   "5 more minutes." Emi answered.
   "We should've had Mr. Yoshi drive us if it was going to be this cold." Said JJ.
   A giant gust of wind blew in our direction causing my pink pom pom hat to almost fly off my head. I caught it in time and held it firmly on my head until my hands started to freeze over.
   "I could use the icicles forming on my hands to make a slushy." I said while my teeth chattered. "I don't know how long I can last."
    JJ held my hand, "We've got this. We can't give up when we're so close."
   I squeezed her hand back, "You're right. We can do this. We have to do this!" I punched the air, "For the plot!"
   "Yeah!" JJ yelled.
   "Yeah!!" I yelled back.
   "Quiet down you two, it's still 7 in the morning people are still sleeping." Emi said while she dug her hands in her pockets. JJ and I jogged to catch up to her and held Emi's hands in ours. She didn't reject us and we all walked hand in hand.
    When we finally reached the school we were all surprised. The school was HUGE. It stretched miles and miles long. It seemed to have 4 floors with rows and rows of windows on each floor. We'd been here before during orientation but it still wasn't any less surprising. We quickly went inside and put our winter gear away and changed our outside shoes to inside shoes. We all dug into our bags to get out our schedules. We purposely didn't look at our schedules so we could all be surprised on the day of school.
   "Okay first period." I said staring at both my sisters, "Math."
    JJ frowned and Emi's expression didn't falter.
   "I have History." JJ said, devastated.
   "Physical education." Said Emi.
   I placed a hand on both their shoulders, "It's okay, we still have 7 more periods to have a class together." I looked back at my schedule, "Second period. Science!"
    JJ frowned again, "Math."
    "History." Said Emi.
    It went like that until we reached 8th period. So far we only had lunch together but no actual classes. JJ was starting to sweat but I was determined this was the one. Emi's expression didn't waver. I gulped, "Eighth period.... English."
   JJ beamed, "English!"
   We both squealed.
  "And you Emi?" Asked JJ.
   Her lips curled up into a small smile, "English."
   We squealed again and started jumping up and down in victory. Except Emi of course.
   "Excuse me," said a man's voice. We all looked over to see a young man in black dress pants and a light blue button up shirt with his sleeves rolled up.
   "I assume you guys are the new transfer students?" He asked, eyeing us until he squinted his eyes ever so slightly when he reached Emi.
   "Yes sir." Answered JJ.
   The man smiled, "I'm Mr. Akaashi, I'm the schools secretary. I'm here to make sure your classes go smoothly for the next week. So please don't hesitate to ask me any questions."
   JJ and I gave each other the hes-so-fine look before facing Mr. Akaashi again.
   "It's a pleasure to meet you girls." He said with perfect English.
   I noticed Emi narrowing her eyes.
   I raised my hand in anticipation.
   "Where is the ice skating rink sir?" I asked.
   "It's on the second floor, I will be happy to show you-"
   "It's okay. You've done enough." Interrupted Emi.
    Mr. Akaashi smiled remained, "Nonsense it's my job to answer any questions a student may be-"
   "And it's our job to get to class so excuse us." Emi interrupted again and dragged us by our wrists. We knew better than to question Emi. She was always right about all her assumptions and decisions.
    "If you guys need help with anything ask me or another teacher, stay away from Mr. Akaashi."
   "But why?" Curiosity got the better of me.
   "He's dangerous."
    JJ and I gave each other confused looks.
   "So then why would he be a teacher here?" JJ asked.
   "That's what I'm going to figure out." Emi said so low that I almost didn't hear. Emi dropped us off at each of our classes. We'd go our separate ways until lunch.
   My first two classes were painfully boring. All I could think about was the skating rink. I begged Mr. Yoshi to send us to a school with the best skating rink. I've loved figure skating ever since I landed in the orphanage. The orphanage was actually a large organization that was located near a skating rink. The skating rink had free days every 2 weeks so obviously I made JJ and Emi come with me. Only Emi and I were good but Emi chose not to pursue it farther, while I figured out skating was my dream. One day I would be a famous skater who was known all around the world as the best and be showered with roses and hot men-
   A ball hit straight to my face causing me to fall backward. The coach blew his whistle and the game of dodge ball subsided. He rushed over to me.
   "Miss Nyah you okay?" Said the coach in sloppy English.
   "Si mucho buena." I said while my face burned from the contact with the ball.
   The coach looked confused and called a student over in Japanese. I was hauled up by the coach until I could stand properly.
   A boy student came over, "I'll take you to nurse." Said the boy.
  I nodded and followed. Once we reached the nurses office he left me. Alone. Literally alone. No one was in the nurses office. I checked the mirror mounted on the wall in front of a sink and saw a bruise starting to form on my forehead. I gasped and covered it with my hand. I looked around and caught site of a first aid kit. I opened it and picked out a large bandaid. I splat it on my bruise.
   "That should do." I said with my hands on my hips. I struck a sailor moon pose and left.

 ✧.* Oc x Bokuto ✧.* by EWhere stories live. Discover now