Chapter One.

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My entire existence has revolved around this kingdom, with my father of course ruling my life as though it is his kingdom. With all the riches and fortune of royalty I could ever wish for. Some wish they had my life, some see it as blessing, to be born as a princess. I don't, I never did and to my father, it seems I don't appreciate this life. How unaware is he that the only fortune I need is the love of both parents, not just my mother's but his as well.

Though it doesn't matter now because the time for me to marry has finally arrived. Married to a man I never knew, nor do I wish to know at all. But as per the King's wishes, I should obey without defying his wishes.

"Elayne, it isn't a request" he stated, irritation clear in his face. "Forgive for the disobedience father but I cannot marry a man I do not know" I say standing before the royal thrones where my mother and his King sit. "I cannot let you dictate my life in the direction only you see fit father, allow me to live the life I want" I pleaded with him, but as usual my words fell on deaf ears again. "I am building an alliance Elayne, and...." I cut him off, "By trading away your only daughter, your only child ?" I asked looking at him "If that's the price, so be it" he spat "so says the king" I said with a hint of betrayal visible in my voice. I took a glance at my mother before I turned away and left.

I needed to get out of the palace, so I did. I walked as fast and as far my feet could take me. They took me to a forest. Specifically a cliff in the deep of the forest. It was a long way down. And suddenly a thought came to my head 'what happens if I jump, will I survive the fall or will I die and splatter my brains ?' And suddenly this thought was very intriguing to me. Maybe my feet brought me here to meet my actual fate. Maybe my life ends here. So I stepped forward, towards the edge of the cliff. I was ready to fall, ready to die so I stepped closer again with on foot hovering above the air, I was about to fall when suddenly someone held my arm, pulling me back and away from the cliff, away from my fate.

"What are you doing ?" He asked looking at me, and for a moment I could trace a bit of worry in his eyes, weird. "I was just curious" I replied looking back at him with amusement. "About what ?" He shouted back "You could've died" he stated as though i didn't know "You're not from here are you ?" I asked him "No" he replies " why do you ask?" He asked "no reason, just curious" I said walking away. "No thank you ?" He asked, shouting at my back "For what ?" I asked him keeping my pace "I just saved your.." I cut him off " I never needed saving" I replied calmly, all the while walking away and not turning back to look at him.

But I realized something, he has no idea who I am. I wonder where he's from, I think to myself while I head back to the palace. I reach the palace and head straight for my chambers. Just after I finish freshening myself up, a guard comes through "The king calls for you princess" he says with his head bowed down "Do you know why ?" I ask him "No, I do not your highness" he states and I dismiss him. I head down go the dining hall . "You called for me my king" I say "Ahh yes, your prince is here" and at the exact moment he says those words, I am left with no words to say back as a lump forms in my throat. When I raise my head a little higher to look at the man I am to marry, I am filled with a little hope that maybe it's still possible to stop this marriage because I'm sure he wouldn't want it either judging by the look of shock in his face.

Maybe there is still a bit of hope, I think to myself.

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