⌞ ten : date? ⌝

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"Lu, find it... find the window."


Nothing felt right. I couldn't go completely dressy, that would be weird. And I couldn't go super casual because it was Monte Carlo. All the clothes I packed were awful, all the clothes I already had here were just.. gross. It was a tragedy and I was starting to panic. 

"Lu, are you wanting-" Jules paused when he saw me lying on the pile of clothes. "What happened here? A rogue wind spirit?" 

I threw a shirt at him. 

"Hey! Watch it, young lady." 


He came to sit beside me, placing a cup of coffee within my reach. "Want to tell me what's going on?" 

"I have nothing to wear." 

He raised an eyebrow. "Looks like you have plenty to wear." 


He chuckled, patting my face. "You'll be fine, fluer. Where are you going?" 

I sat up, grabbing my coffee and sipping at it. I cringed at the amount of sugar he put into it which made him laugh again. I rolled my eyes but still sipped at the coffee as I thought about where to take Mako. I knew I was going to take him to the parks to watch the people who painted in the courtyard. And the track. Truly, all my favorite places. 

"My spots." 

"Then why are you worrying?" 


He shook his head. "No, I am genuinely confused. Just wear what you always do." 

"Some shirt, my racer jacket, and cargo pants?" 

He nodded, kissing my forehead before standing. "You always look the best when you're comfortable, kid." 

I sighed, watching him close the door with a wink before I stood. My coffee was set on the nearest surface as I started to pick up my clothes, hanging them back up or putting them where they went. I hummed softly to myself as I worked, trying to figure out what order I wanted to do the day in. And if I should even take him to certain spots. 

After getting dressed, I decided that it wasn't worth the worry. He would like it or he wouldn't. But the least I could do was show him Monte Carlo through my eyes. That the city was more than just some rich kid playground. There was more to it than met the eye and I was going to try to show him just that. 


I sat on the steps outside the building, waiting for Mako. We had agreed to meet here and I was a bit early. I didn't mind, it gave me time to watch the people on the street. It was mid-morning which meant that the late bloomers were starting to get out onto the streets. The older generations were fully into their days of cleaning. Rugs were being beaten on balconies and music played from almost every open window. It was beautiful. 

"You look nice." 

I turned around to see Mako standing behind me. He was wearing some beat-up jeans but I could tell they were still designer and a cut-off t-shirt, also designer. I snorted at the idea of buying such beat-up clothes for prices some people would pay for a car. 

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