personal trainer

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'I can't wait until you come over...'

    Shawn Emmanuel as Dwayne Mckell (Ig:illy

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    Shawn Emmanuel as Dwayne Mckell (Ig:illy.dw)

                     Shia Wilson as Teyana Taylor———————————————————————————

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                     Shia Wilson as Teyana Taylor

Shia pov...

'Wow.' I thought as I watched him squat down and come back up again. It still amazed me every time I saw him. His physique probably had to be the best I had ever seen.

His abs could cut paper from how sharp they looked. I always tried not to stare so hard, but it was physically impossible. I mean he is my personal trainer after all.

'Why do you have to be so damn handsome? I wouldn't mind handing you some as-'

"You ready?" He said, looking at me through the mirror.

Nodding my head, not really trusting my voice right now. I might accidentally whimper, since his voice had that type of effect on me. I really need to get my head out of the gutter.

Blowing out some air, going to trade places with him. Just as we passed each other, his bare arm touched mine. I felt a shock like when you rub your socks on the carpet and touch someone.

He seemed unfazed by it of course, taking a deep breath and letting it out I stood in front of the mirror. Picking up the bar, getting in position I curled up my arms. Making sure my feet were planted on the ground, I began my squats.

Looking up, Shawn was looking down at his phone not paying attention to me. Shawn became my personal trainer about six months ago. Since I'm a professional performer.

My team said I needed someone to keep me in check. And boy were they right, Shawn played no games with me. I remember when he snapped on me for the first and only time.

I'd had shown up late to our session, with a bull crap excuse. And he snapped at me for not taking my career seriously. Shawn loves his job, and working out is his whole life.

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