Sakazuki/Akainu (18+)

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My name is Brooklyn. Borsalino/Kizaru is my dad. My dad took me in when he found out that my mom, his lover passed away with an illness when I was very young. It was hard for him to raise me at first. But he got the hang of it. Now I'm older and an captain of the Marines. He didn't want me to join at first. But he could tell how happy I was. He was the first person to know about my promotions. My dad wasn't too happy when I told him that I would be working underneath Sakazuki as captain and a secretary. I told him that I would be fine. This is my first time at the new Navy headquarters. I am nervous to meet Sakazuki because of what people and friends have told me. I worked up the courage and knocked on the door to his office.

"Come in." Says Sakazuki

"Sir..." I said

"Please sit down."

"Yes, sir."

"Do you know why I picked you?"

"No sir."

"So you can get away from your dad. And to learn something new."

"Thank you, sir."

I get up and leave. I ran into a old friend, Lacie. She asked me what I was doing here. I told her that I got transferred as Fleet admiral Sakazuki's secretary. She's surprised and a little jealous. She invited me to dinner. When we were done with our dinner at this nice little restaurant, I noticed Sakazuki by himself. I excused myself and walked to the bar.

"Why does she have to be hot?" Asked Sakazuki

"I think you're drunk, fleet admiral sir." I said

"The only reason why I had Borsalino's daughter transferred is because I think she's hot."

"Sir, I am taking you home."

Luckily I remembered his address to his house. I took him to his bedroom. I helped him out of his uniform and shoes. I helped him into bed. I went into the living and took my shoes off. I fell asleep on the couch.

The next morning

I woke up to the sound of coffee brewing. Sakazuki is in the kitchen. He's leaning against the counter, rubbing his head. He looks at me.

"What did I do last night, Brooklyn?" He asked

"Well, sir. You're drinking last night." I said

"I remember going to the restaurant last night."

"And you were talking about the real reason why I got transferred."

"I said that."

I nodded

"I can't believe I said that."

"It's okay. It can be our secret."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. How do you take your coffee, sir."

"Black please."

I poured us a cup of coffee. I handed his coffee. I put some cream and sugar in my coffee. I could tell that he is stressed.

"Do I need to move in to take care of you, sir?" I said jokingly

"That's not a bad idea for a joke." Said Sakazuki


"Please call me Sakazuki."

"Okay... Sakazuki."

"That's better. It's Brooklyn right."


"Great. Let's get to work."

in love with the fleet admiral Where stories live. Discover now