Family (18+)

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Me and Sakazuki had a huge fight. The fight was about if we wanted to get married before the birth of our baby. I, (of course) wanted to wait and get married after the baby was born. Sakazuki wanted to get married before the baby was born. So I decided to stay with Fujitora. My dad wasn't upset with my decision. I'm past my due date.

"Captain? How are you feeling?" Asked a marine

"Like a watermelon." I replied

"I'm sorry." Said the marine

"It's okay. It's not your fault." I said

"Thank you, Captain." Said the Marine

"The baby is coming." I said

"Oh no." Said the marine

"It's okay," I said, "let's go to the doctor."

The marine lefted and got Fujitora. Fujitora walks into the doctor's office. He grabs a chair and pulls to the side of the bed.After hours and hours of labor, I give birth to twins. A boy and a girl. I named the boy,  Blaine. I named the girl Salem. I had Salem in my arms and Fujitora had Blaine in his arms.

"Vice admiral Fujitora, Captain Brooke." Said a Marine

"Yes?" I said

"Fleet Admiral Sakazuki is here." Said the Marine

"Let him in." Said Fujitora

"Vice admiral." Said the marine

"Brooklyn. kitten," says Sakazuki, "I'm sorry. Will you forgive me?"

"Why? So you can scold me like before?" I asked

"Kitten.... I....." Sakazuki stutters

"Captain Brooke, your dad is here." Said a Marine

I could see Sakazuki getting angry. Sakazuki walks outside. Fujitora tells me that it's going to be okay. Salem started to fuss. So I decided to feed her.

"Fujitora?" I asked

"Hmmmm...." Replies Fujitora

"Are you sure everything is going to be okay?" I asked

"Yes," says Fujitora, "I understand that your dad doesn't like Sakazuki that much."

"You're right," I said, "it's because we're together. My dad didn't want me and Sakazuki to be together."

"I wanted her to be with someone else," said Borsalino, "but you got pregnant with Sakazuki's baby."

"Babies." I said

"What?!" Said Borsalino

I told my dad and Sakazuki that I just given birth to healthy twins, a boy and a girl. I told them that their names are Blaine and Salem. Everyone lefted but Fujitora and Sakazuki. I moved over on the bed. Sakazuki climbs in the bed. I told Sakazuki that I'm not mad at him anymore. Sakazuki promise me that he wouldn't make me mad again. Sakazuki told me that he didn't want to see me with Garp. I told him that there's no chance of me being with Garp in my lifetime. Fujitora gives Blaine to Sakazuki and left us alone. We eventually fall asleep cuddled together with our twins.

Few weeks later

I'm back at Navy headquarters. I ran into Lacie a couple times. But she has been busy dealing with Garp. Helmeppo has been a big help with the twins and settling back down at Navy headquarters.

"Brooklyn." Said Helmeppo

"Oh. Hey, Helmeppo," I said, "thank you."

"For what?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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