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Art by me catlover10100

I added some rules for my art in the info page so go check it out :3

Been awhile since I updated -3-
Bio form

Number of cat you want:
Tribe rank:
(1) Belongs to NerdyBirdie375
Branch where Bird Chirps
A dark brown cat with orange freckles

Number of cat you want:Gender:Tribe rank:Personality:Likes:Dislikes:______________________________________(1) Belongs to NerdyBirdie375Branch where Bird ChirpsA dark brown cat with orange freckles

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Fun fact: they have an extra toe
(2) Belongs to WOLFPHOENIXX
Bramble that Holds Berries
A pale ginger calico point cat with a scarred cheek

Fun fact: Likes to take moonlit strolls______________________________________(3) Belongs to CeCeanimationsMud that Dries under SunA grayish-brown spotted tabby cat with a scarred face

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Fun fact: Likes to take moonlit strolls
(3) Belongs to CeCeanimations
Mud that Dries under Sun
A grayish-brown spotted tabby cat with a scarred face

Fun fact: they were caught in a fire that burnt the side of their face, also they have amber eyes______________________________________(4) Belongs to LUNARLIGHT15Log that flows downstreamA dark ginger classic tabby cat

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Fun fact: they were caught in a fire that burnt the side of their face, also they have amber eyes
(4) Belongs to LUNARLIGHT15
Log that flows downstream
A dark ginger classic tabby cat

Fun fact: they were caught in a fire that burnt the side of their face, also they have amber eyes______________________________________(4) Belongs to LUNARLIGHT15Log that flows downstreamA dark ginger classic tabby cat

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Fun fact: they are scared of ladybugs
(5) Belongs to NerdyBirdie375
Moon that Shines behind Clouds
A silver and white brindle cat

Fun fact: they are an excellent swimmer______________________________________(6) Belongs to NocturnaSoyheeFlower that Blossoms Mid-day A blue smoke tortoiseshell cat with cream tabby patches, flower petals sticking out their fur

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Fun fact: they are an excellent swimmer
(6) Belongs to NocturnaSoyhee
Flower that Blossoms Mid-day
A blue smoke tortoiseshell cat with cream tabby patches, flower petals sticking out their fur

Fun fact: they are an excellent swimmer______________________________________(6) Belongs to NocturnaSoyheeFlower that Blossoms Mid-day A blue smoke tortoiseshell cat with cream tabby patches, flower petals sticking out their fur

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Fun fact: their favorite flower is the Lily

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