003: the very second love interest

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I woke up to Gianna on top of me, I groan shoving her foot off of me. I slowly sit up as my eyes adjust to the brightness, I grab my phone from the floor and look at the time. "8:00AM? HOLY SHIT!" I yell as I jump up, Gianna slowly starts to wake up too.

"What are you yelling for?" Gianna says, her voice raspy from sleep. "Gianna! It's 8:00AM! I thought you set an alarm for 5:00AM!" I yell as I rush to her bathroom. I hear her laugh from the bedroom, I just roll my eyes. Grabbing my toothbrush that I keep here, I start brushing.

Soon Gianna joins me in the bathroom, she laughs even harder when she sees me rushing. I turn to her with a frown, "Gianna what the hell do you find funny about this?" She smirks, "I set the alarm for 5:00PM," We sit there in silence staring at each other before bursting out in laughter.


Gianna's older brother happened to be home so we got a ride to school, it was around mid day when we came. I was about to head to my EC class when I got cornered by Cameron.

You see Cameron is what you call your typical 'white girl' except for Cameron knows how to throw down, so no one wants to fuck with her. Especially not me. "So you're talking to Auguste now huh?" I tilted my head in confusion, we weren't 'talking'. Auguste barely even talks to me.

I shake my head, she smirks. "Listen to me, don't think whatever happened in that closet meant shit. He doesn't like you." Insecure much? I decided to swallow my fear and clap back, "Well obviously he doesn't seem to like you much either?" Her smirk drops, and she looks me dead in my eye.

"Bitch you're lucky I can't touch you because you're 16, but my sister can." Sister? Does she mean fucking Gracie? Oh hell no. "Listen I don't want any problems, leave me alone."

See you might see me as I coward but I'm not a physical type of girl, I'm more of a 'Call the police and report you if you try and touch me' type of girl. Also if you saw Gracie you'd back down too, she's short but she has them hands.

"What are you scared?" She laughs I roll my eyes and try to move away from her, she grabs me. "Take this as a warning, okay?" I nod, she stiff shoulders me and walks away. I look around and see a crowd, I roll my eyes and they disperse obviously dissatisfied.

I quickly start walking to my EC so I can tell Gianna all about what just happened.


When I enter my EC I see Gianna sitting next to our friend Jason, he's a foreign exchange student. He's French and African, he's here on our foreign program the school offers. I sit down on the right of Gianna, Jason on the left.

"Wassup, T!" Gianna exclaims, I smile and nod my head. Gianna's obviously in her frat boy mood. "So, what took you so long?" I look around and lean in, Gianna and Jason also lean in. "Spill the fucking tea," Gianna says. I laugh and fill them in on everything that happened.

"Oh crap, Cameron threatened you? Like deadass?" I shake my head yes, "Bitch yes! She literally cornered me!" Jason's eyes widen, "how do you erm react?" He asks, his accent peaking out.

"Boy I already told you during my story!" I laugh, he smiles at me. Gianna looks at both of us then gets up, "Gi, where are you going." I ask confused. "I'll be back I'm gonna go..to the uh bathroom!" I nod my head, she pats Jason on the back and leaves.

"So, Tessa, I have a erm question." I look up at him and tilt my head,  his face turns a little red. "What?" "I wanna ask you on a, what do you call it erm date?" Date? Me and him, together, alone, on a date?

Should I? I mean, obviously I have no chance with Auguste with Cameron standing in the way. Maybe I should give him a chance? I don't know, I mean he's a good friend but would he be a good lover?

"I-I..could you give me some time?" He sighs and nods, I give him a reassuring smile and get up to find Gianna.


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It was a bit of a filler because I've been having writers block, (if you couldn't tell by the 50 times I've edited the same 2 chapters BAHAHAHHA)

Should she go on a date with Jason or stick to her crush on Auguste?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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