Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to All Twitter RP'S

Shivering violently, Leah pulled her jacket closer around herself. With every breath of air, her long, dark hair danced in the wind. Stinging a painful red, her cheeks glowed as they were hit with the daggers of cold. The farmyard she stood in was consumed by shadows and had a spooky fog spread over it. Shifting her weight from one foot to the other, Leah's patients was wearing thin; waiting.  She had never like the quiet. But tonight it was worse. All was silent apart from an old, rusting gate at the entrance of the yard which creaked in the howling wind. Seconds dragged on and Leah cursed herself for not being more patient. Shuffling her feet she moved herself from the damp, squelchy mud and pulled herself onto a crumbling wall. Brick dust scratching at her hands as she did so. 

Finally the rumble of a motorbike came into ear shot. Screeching to a swift halt. Looking up a smirk grew across Leah's face as she watched the figure on the bike kick down the stand and a jump off . Shadows masked their face as they walked up to the wall where Leah was perched. 

"What took you so bloody long! It's freezing out her!" Leah moaned as she used their shoulder to help her jump off the wall. Landing smoothly. 

"Leah, my love. These things take time." Their voice was smooth and deep; male. He spoke with amusement in his tone as he gently caressed Leah's cold cheek.

Pulling a mocking face Leah walked over to the bike and sat herself down on in. "These things may take time, Alex my love. But i don't see anybody here?"

Alex lent on the handle bars of his bike. The moon light reflecting off his cobalt blue eyes as he crouched down to look her in the face. " All in time, I said i would make sure you are safe. Then they should follow soon."

Nodding in understatement Leah pecked his lips and lent back on the bike. Goosebumps rippling over her skin and she shuddered from the cold. Alex smirked at her and draped his leather jacket over her shoulders and he moved around the yard. Looking for small details which they could use to their advantage if they were attacked. 

While he was searching the rumbling of another vehicle echoed in the quiet night. Leah swung her legs off the bike just as a black truck pulled to a painful stop in the entrance of the yard. Swinging the doors open two people got out. One girl was young, her black jacket hung off her loosely and her hair sat messily on her shoulders. Standing the shortest of the two she ran over to Leah with a grin spreading across her face. She was followed by a man who towered over her. His dark hair my neatly silken back and the suit he wore was impeccable. He rolled his eyes at the girls child like nature as the both approached the bike. 

Leah pulled Alex's leather jacket fully on to herself as she saw them approaching. Alex joined her side, making her jump as he places a hand on her shoulder. Cursing under her breath she elbowed him in the stomach as faint chuckles escaped his lips. The girl ran up to them both, her eyes stinging with tears from the cold and her cheeks flushed red. 

"Leah!" She almost sang as she jumped into a hug. Knocking all the breath out of Leah as she did so.

"Birdy! " Leah replied back with as much enthusiasm. Chuckles as she stopped the bike from toppling. "Ya' missed me?" 

Rolling her eyes 'Birdy' pulled herself away from the hug and smiled brightly. "It's not even been three hours since we last spoke. Of course i missed you!"

Silently, the man who had accompanied 'Birdy' nodded polity to Leah and spoke to Alex. They walked as they talked standing out of ear shot of the two girls. Something big was about to happen and Leah nor 'Birdy.' liked the sound of what it was going to be. The two friends spoke to each other about normal things before the others joined them. Kissing Leah's cheek Alex whispered some thing in her ear. "I'll be back as soon as i can. I have to go with Fantom. Just remember i love you no matter what happens."

The words made Leah's heart sink. She didn't want him to get hurt. She loved him equally as much and would do anything for him. However she knew it was all part of the plan. Unknown to 'Birdy.' Her and Leah was acting as bait. Live bait. As they whispered their goodbyes, they shared a quick kiss and Alex was gone. Fantom following soon behind him leaving Leah and Raven alone in the yard, one again; waiting.

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