The twins reunite

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A hooded figure slowly walked towards the Hidden Leaf's entrance, the figure had a man with white spiky hair in a low ponytail with red marks on his face. The two guards looked suspiciously at the figure, but quickly realized who it was and let them pass. As they were walking they heard whispering, the villagers couldn't believe that they were back.
"I can't believe they allowed her to come back, one was bad enough," One of the villagers said with a disgusted expression.
The duo kept walking, but the hooded figure glared back at the villagers. They walked straight to the hokage's office, while everyone was staring at them.

"It's good to have you back...Nashina," Lord third greeted.
The hooded figure took off their hood, revealing Nashina smiling.
"It's good to be back old man, oh yeah, here you go," Nashina said while throwing a couple scrolls on his desk.
Lord third(Saratobi) sat there shocked, wondering how did she get the scrolls. Nashina just stood there smiling.
"See ya, I'm gotta meet some people," Nashina said, then vanished leaving a red flash.
"She learned her father's and lord seconds ability, huh Jiraiya?" Lord Third stated looking at him.
"Yes, she has, she's also learned his jutsu and healing from Tsunade and the scrolls she took," Jiraiya finished.

Nashina arrived at her and brother's apartment, it had been 8 years since she'd been back. 8 years of her not seeing her brother, not being able to hug him, comfort him, just be there for him. But, now they could catch up on everything, how he's been, what's he been doing, everything. She walked into her room, which caught a bit of dust due to her absence, she sat her stuff down and looked at the place she grew up. After she put her things away she looked in the mirror, her hair was long, it reached beyond the middle of her back, a little bit past her butt.

She walked out of her apartment, she took in the fresh air and looked around. She wanted to find her best friend since childhood, she started jumping from rooftop to rooftop, all the way to a training forest. She landed on a branch of a tree near where her friend was training, she sat there watching him practice his jutsus. She was silently watching until she saw a kunai that was aimed at her head come at her, she leaned back in order to avoid getting hit but she ended up falling off the tree with a thud.
"What the hell, you could have killed me ya know!" Nashina exclaimed.
Sasuke looked at her with an emotionless expression. Nashina got up with an annoyed expression and started walking towards him revealing herself. Sasuke expression changed into a shocked one quickly, he couldn't believe it was her, Nashina was back.
"What? You're not going to hug your best friend?" Nashina asked with her arms out.
Sasuke didn't hesitate and engulfed the hug, Nashina felt a couple of wet drops on her shoulder, she hugged him even tighter.
After the hug they pulled away from each other. Sasuke quickly wiped his tears away.
"So how have you been Nashina?" Sasuke asked.
"I've been ok, what about you?" Nashina answered and asked back.
"I've been fine, a few bumps here and there, but overall fine," Sasuke answered.
"How's Naruto been?" Nashina finally asked.
"He's been... chaotic, to say the least," Sasuke admitted.
"That bad?" Nashina asked.
Sasuke confirmed with a look. Nashina just face palmed. She had a feeling her brother would be like this.

The duo walked through the streets of Konaha talking and catching up on each others life. Enjoying each other's company, laughing like they would as children.
"Fan girls? You have fan girls?" Nashina laughed.
"Yes, they are so annoying," Sasuke said.
Nashina just kept laughing, it was starting to get dark, signaling that it was time to head home.
"I'll see you later Sasuke," Nashina said as she headed home.
Sasuke waved and headed to his home. Nashina arrived to her apartment rather quickly and she started to cook. After she was fully done she sat the table, waiting for her brother to come home.

Naruto was almost to the apartment he had been living there as long as he could remember. He had been missing his sister ever since she was sent away. Little did he know there was a surprise for him back at home. He got to the door of the apartment and twisted the doorknob, as soon as he walked in he was hit with an amazing aroma. He looked around to see the table with two plates of food, it was suspicious. He was the only one that lived there. He felt someone behind him, he turned to look to see his sister. His eyes welled up with tears, he couldn't believe it, his sister was home.
"Shina!" Naruto smiled
"Hi, Naru, I'm home," Nashina said while smiling and embracing her brother.
Naruto accepted the embrace. Nashina lead him to the table and had him sit down.
"You made it?" Naruto asked.
"Yup, you know I was always the best cook," Nashina confirmed.
"I cleaned your room and I've heard the thing you've been doing for the past 8 years," Nashina said with a serious face.
Naruto just rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

After they ate they headed off to bed. Nashina loved being back home, with her brother. As she fell asleep the moon shown through hitting her with its beautiful rays. But something strange happened to Nashina, something she wouldn't notice for a very long time.

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