chapter 5

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Over two dozen eyes were on me and I couldn't move. Frozen in place I was at a loss as to what to do or even say to the burly crew of Captain Ace's ship. 'What am I supposed to say!?'

I had never been put in the spotlight like this before, people usually just ignored my presence and overlooked me.

My eyes darted between each and every man before me before I finally cleared my throat and spoke up in a small voice. "H-hello."

Awkward silence was all I got In return. "Come now No need to be shy! We're all one big family here!" Ace stepped up beside me gesturing to the rest of the crew. A few seemed quite unamused while others were finding the situation quite funny.

I shied away a bit, rubbing my arm while awkwardly standing there.

A loud 'tsk' drew our attention as someone came down the steps from the quarter deck above. "Are you done with these antics? Or are you going to continue to keep the crew from doing their jobs?" The man practically scolded Ace before turning to face the deck. "Everyone get back to work!"

A few men snickered as everyone slowly turned their attention away to continue working without much of a response, and I couldn't help but feel embarrassed and ashamed, with only one thought running through my mind. I shouldn't be here.

"There's no need to be that way! Just having a bit of fun!" Ace stepped over to someone moving a sack of goods.

"more like disrupting everyone and distracting them from their jobs." The man looked back at me and I looked up at him curiously before realizing who the man was and turning pale.

He was the one who walked into the tavern right before I passed out. He saw everything...

"Violet I'd like to introduce you to my first mate, sir Ivan de f–"

"Ivan is good enough." He sighed.

"Right. Well, Ivan, Violet here is going to be working with us until we hit port at St. Henders. She'll be acting as our temporary cabin boy, working alongside Johnny."

"Guess there's no turning back now anyways." Ivan huffed. "Alright, Ken!" He called out to one of the crew who was across the deck tying a rope down. "Tell Johnny to get up here! Captain's orders!"

"Aye, aye!" The man quickly went below deck disappearing from sight.

"Alright, Miss Violet." I Flinched before looking up to face Ivan as he stared me down. "What skills do you have?"

I blinked confused. "W-what?" Ace leaned against the railing peeling an apple with a knife, and ate a few slices. 'Where did he even get–'

Ivan rolled his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Skills lady, what skills do you have?" I Anxiously gripped the bottom of my shirt unsure how to respond. What was he expecting? Pickpocketing? Horse riding? Shooting?

Ace hummed as he cut up the last slice out of his apple and threw the core over the side of the boat before stepping in front of me and tilting my head up with one hand. He put the apple slice to my lips and I reached up to take it only for him to push my hand away and give me a strange look. Annoyed, I parted my lips to say something only to have him pop the apple slice into my mouth.

"He's asking what you're good at darling. Do you know how to clean? Mopping, dusting, Can you cook? Things like that. It's easier to assign you to tasks if we know what you're capable of." I chewed the apple slice realizing just how hungry I was. I hadn't eaten since lunch yesterday.

"I can clean and mop just fine...I've never cooked but I've watched my family chef cook since I was a little girl. I am also good at embroidery." Ace whistled to a man carrying a sack below deck. The man opened up the bag, pulled out another apple, and tossed it over.

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