Basement dwelling gays ;)

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Author: hello my fellow idiots, this is smut with a short and shitty story. The ship is Byler (mike wheeler x will byers) from stranger things! I hope you enjoy this terrible story, now lets get this shit show on the road! :D


Mike's pov:

Me, Will, Lucas, Dustin, Eleven, and Max are hanging out in my basement Dustin, Lucas, will, and I just finished our d&d campaign which Max jokingly made fun of us for. Her and El where just talking about drama from school and other boring stuff the whole time. Me and El broke up for good on Monday, it's Friday right now. Max is mad at me for breaking up with El but I think El's over it, she doesn't seem mad at least. Will's sitting next to me on the ground right below the couch, he's laughing with Lucas and Dustin about something. I'm not sure what they're all laughing about though.

"Mike, Mike!" Will said as he waved his had in front of my face in and attempt to get my attention. 

"huh?" I said finally snapping out of my trance like state.

"You okay?" will asks me sounding genuinely worried about me.

"Yeah, I was just spacing out." I said sounding a little embarrassed though I tried to sound calm. 

"Oh, alright then!" Will said "we where wondering if we could all stay here tonight for a group sleepover, can we?"

"All as in you, me, Dustin, Lucas, eleven, and max?" I asked.

"Yeah" they all said making their voices overlap.

"since your family isn't here we thought it would be fun!" Will said "but it's fine if we can't tonight!"

"Yeah, I guess it would work out pretty good!" I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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