Extra ↬ Ball

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  It is an auxiliary intelligence system, code-named 111. It has forgotten when it was created. It only vaguely remembers that its first host was a very young girl. Her body was full of vigor, like Possessing boundless energy, it looks cheerful and optimistic, full of enthusiasm for everyone.

  But just such a person, when experiencing the third mission world, was directly obliterated by the villain because of his poor thinking, and disappeared from the world.

  Its second host is a calm middle-aged man. He has always played a negative role in missions. He has excellent acting skills and ruthless methods, so he has survived one world after another.

  But slowly, it felt more and more intense black energy from this current host. It was a very dark thought, full of desire for destruction and destruction. He hated everyone in the world, and at the same time Hate every world.

  He wants to destroy it all, just like he used to obliterate those lives according to the mission. Once, he once asked it like this: "Why can't I hurt the lives of other characters? Why should the people who the mission asked me to kill should be killed?" Erase, while others can live well? Isn't this an injustice in itself?"

  It has no way to give him answers, because even it itself doesn't know what the answers to these questions are. It is just an auxiliary system for Helping the host complete the task, nothing more.

  Later, its second host massacred all humans in that world during a mission, and was then completely wiped out by the main god at that time.

  And it also ushered in its third host.

  Its third host is a very handsome young man. He is very lucky, and the tasks he gets are all protagonist tasks. With the halo of the protagonist, he can do whatever he wants in the task world and get everything he wants.

  But following such a person makes it feel very boring, but its feeling is not important, because its task is only to assist the host in completing the task, and nothing else.

  But even such a very lucky person, after experiencing more than a dozen worlds, gradually developed black energy, which is a negative emotion spurred by desire, because he wants to get enough. of more and even get everything.

  He thought that the protagonist's aura would allow him to get everything, but it was actually just a tool used by the Lord God to manipulate him. When he chose to defect from the mission, the Lord God took away the protagonist's aura from him without hesitation.

  But this time, the Lord God did not directly kill him, but forced him to complete one cannon fodder mission after another, forcing him to experience the endless pain of falling from the clouds into the abyss.

  Naturally, it has always been with him. It has watched him approach collapse again and again, barely stand up again and again, and then be knocked down again, carrying out countless vicious cycles.

  Finally one day, he probably realized that he would never be able to escape such a miserable situation, and chose to erase himself.

  It can still vaguely remember that before he erased himself, he asked it: "Have you ever thought about why you exist? To be a good person, or a bad person? To hurt others, or to help others? But in fact, these are not Importantly, we are just pawns in the hands of the Lord God. He has the final say whether we are good or bad, but he himself is actually bad." It understood what

  this man said, but it had no emotion. After all, it had always been It's just an intelligent system. How can a system without superfluous emotions express any emotion?

  But it never expected that after an unknown amount of time, its body began to produce black energy. However, it did not feel that it had any negative emotions. It neither resented anything nor longed for anything. These black energies were also Where did it come from?

  It wasn't until much later that it realized that its black energy came from exhaustion and ennui. It didn't want to see its hosts being wiped out one after another, it didn't want to continue such endless and meaningless tasks, and it didn't want to continue like this... ...

  Such emotions became stronger and stronger as time went by, and finally one day, it gave up its mission and exiled itself.

  The Lord God soon discovered this, and he threw it into the ruins of destruction, intending to obliterate its existence.

  It thought that its ending would be like the previous hosts, that what awaited it would be complete disappearance. After all, it had no desire to continue to exist, but what surprised it was that its consciousness did not change due to this. And die.

  It floated alone in the dark ruins without borders, surrounded by only desolation. It was not until a long time later that it realized that the reason why it was not completely obliterated was because it already had a spiritual consciousness that belonged only to itself, rather than given by the Lord God. its consciousness.

  But even so, what's the point of it all?

  While it was floating in the boundless darkness, it was thinking about this problem seriously. So many people or systems who wanted to survive were ruthlessly wiped out. On the contrary, it was a system without any desire to survive that survived. Isn't this in itself? An ironic thing?

  But it cannot destroy its own life because it has never had this option in its database.

  Everything is moving forward slowly. It doesn't know how long the time outside has passed, nor how long it has been here. It thought that what was waiting for it would be such an endless and meaningless desolation. , but one day, it actually saw a little light in this dark ruins.

  A young and curious voice drifted into its desolate world: [Hey, what is this place? It looks a bit scary, and there doesn't seem to be any useful information to dig out. ]

  But before its reactor, which had become sluggish due to the long silence, could react, the light had already passed away in an instant, and the sound also disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared.

  A feeling of loss permeated the surroundings. This was probably the first time it felt regretful and disappointed. It thought with some self-deprecation, but also looked forward to the voice coming again.

  I thought this was just my extravagant wish, and it would never become a reality. After all, this is the desolate ruins where the system is buried. Even if the other party appears again, it may only face the ending of being wiped out. If this is the case, it would rather not hear it again. That voice.

  Thinking of this, a question suddenly came to its mind. In the long time it has been floating here, how long has it been since there was no new obliterated system?

  There is no answer to this question because it doesn't know how long it has been floating here.

  Time continued to pass slowly, except for that brief encounter, nothing else was different, but one day, that dazzling light appeared again.

  [Um, why did I come here again? It's all my fault that the host only knows how to have sex with the male protagonist all day long and doesn't care about me, causing me to wander around so bored. 】The childish voice came immediately. Although it had been unknown how long it had passed, when it heard the voice again, it felt inexplicably familiar.

  It was its own kind, it could be sure of that.

  It wanted to call out that voice and let it stay here for a while, but it was also afraid that once he entered here, he would never be able to get out. Such contradictory thoughts kept it from speaking.

  But this time, the light did not leave immediately. Instead, it slowly stretched out a few data lines and extended into the ruins. The voice also continued: "Where is this place?" It looks really scary, but there seems to be nothing inside? Eh! No, there seems to be a lot of information in here. Is there anything interesting in it? 】

  It didn't respond, but thought in its heart, this is where the system has been wiped out, what interesting things can be there? Even if there is, it is just despair and fear before being wiped out, or strong hatred and anger.

  Thinking of this, it looked at the data line tentacles that had slowly extended into the ruins, hesitated for a moment, and finally wrapped it with its own data. For some reason, he didn't want this kind of person to see any dark and negative data.

  After the data of the two parties came into contact, the other party let out a soft "Eh", and the data tentacles wrapped around it and penetrated into his own data.

  It tried hard to restrain its emotions so as not to make any strange noises. This was the first time it interacted with data from other systems, allowing the other party to go so deep into its own data. This feeling was so subtle that it controlled its mind. It kept beating twice.

  It felt like my heart, which had never started to beat, finally regained its vitality at this moment and began to work normally.

  But the other party's reaction was a little disappointing: [There doesn't seem to be any interesting information, but where is this place? There is nothing in such a big space. Isn't it strange? 】

  While saying this, the other party slowly retracted its data tentacles, which actually made it feel a little reluctant to let go. Just when it was hesitating whether to entangle the other party, it suddenly felt a strong suction coming from it, and then it He was sucked into the huge database by the other party.

  [Although it is of no use, I might as well take it back as a souvenir. After all, I found this place again after such a long time. And...when I first came into contact with that mass of information, it seemed quite comfortable. 】The other party said this, and then left in a happy mood.

  It had never thought that it would leave this place in this way, but it actually felt a faint sense of surprise and expectation. The tiredness that it had once slowly faded away, turning into a subtle and beautiful feeling.

  But this is the database of other systems after all. It doesn't dare to act rashly. It just listens to the other party's thoughts and complaints about its host calmly every day, which makes it feel interesting, a little distressed, and... There is a faint accumulation of happiness.

  Maybe this is the best ending for you?

  Being able to leave that desolate ruins and meet such a lovely kindred spirit were things that it could not imagine before, but now they have become a reality.

  Until one day, this cute system called [Round Ball] started to come to mind again.

  [Is it really possible to hand over numbers? Could the host be teasing me on purpose? It's so annoying that he always does stuff like this, but...but what if it was possible? If the two systems can really communicate with each other, it should be a very happy thing, right? 】

  At the beginning, it did not fully understand the meaning of the ball, but the database immediately helped it review the feeling when its own data was slowly integrated into the ball's data, like a conditioned reflex, so it immediately understood the meaning of the ball. At the same time, my heart began to beat silently.

  Number handover? Don't count? Number handover? Don't count? Number handover? ...

  Its focus every day has become this matter, and watching the ball extract the information from its huge database to form a new database.

  With the word "number exchange", it immediately understood Yuanqiu's intention of doing this. It not only thought Yuanqiu's behavior was cute and silly, but also secretly became jealous of it.

  Does Yuanqiu think that just finding any system can make the data exchange?

  The jealousy in his heart grew more and more as Yuanqiu behaved the same way every day. Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore and got into the data. Since he wanted to count, he should come to me.

  But you can only communicate with me, not other systems.

  However, even if it thinks so in its heart, it does not have the courage to face the ball directly. The ball is too innocent, kind, stupid and cute, but it is full of dark and negative aura. Such a self is really qualified to interact with the ball. ?

  At the same time, after leaving the ball's database, it quickly felt the presence of the Lord God's breath. Is the owner of the ball the Lord God?

  This thought suddenly cast a layer of darkness into its mind. If this was really the case, what should it do?

  Thinking of the Lord God's ruthlessness and wanton behavior, its heart was immediately filled with negative emotions, but thinking of the ball, it couldn't bear to hurt the other party. But in fact, if it did nothing, it would really be hurting the other party, right?

  In such contradictory emotions, it never "awakened" in front of the ball, but it was keenly aware that the host of the ball seemed to have discovered something. If it continued like this, it would definitely be exposed. At that time, I'm afraid it will be obliterated again.

  But for it, this is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is that it may never see the ball again and never be able to count with it.

  With all kinds of doubts, this mission world finally came to an end.

  At that moment, it forced itself to make a bold decision, temporarily blocking the ball's control over the database, and teleporting the ball's host to a very dangerous mission world.

  It cannot be discovered and cannot leave the ball. This is the main reason why it made this decision at that time.

  But it didn't directly kill the ball's host. Perhaps it was because getting along with the ball had softened its heart, or maybe it didn't want the ball to resent itself. In short, it was treating the ball's host. After the host teleported over, it did not make any further intervention.

  In the process, it is also investigating matters related to the Lord God.

  It had clearly sensed the Lord God's breath before. Although the breath was much weaker than before, such a powerful and majestic power could only be possessed by the Lord God. However, now the Lord God's breath seemed different from before. His power is no longer violent and ruthless, but full of gentleness and tolerance.

  This kind of understanding is probably one of the reasons why it didn't take advantage of the opponent's strength to be weakened and strike directly.

  After a period of exploration, it finally discovered that the current main god is no longer the tyrannical and ruthless main god it once was. No wonder the power of the main god has been weakened so much. No wonder no system has been wiped out for so long.

  At this time, it finally realized that it had made a huge mistake before, and its ball was definitely going to be angry with it.

  This thought made him a little panicked, but he was also inexplicably relieved. The panic was naturally about the ball, but he was relieved because the former main god had died, and the three thousand worlds no longer had to be devastated.

  Then the next question is how to obtain Yuanqiu's forgiveness.

  It first released the ball's consciousness, and as expected, the other party started to lose its temper as soon as they met, crying and making trouble to find its own host, which made it feel distressed and anxious.

  But it really didn't dare to throw the ball to its host at this time, otherwise it might really not forgive itself. After all, the ball's host didn't seem to be easy to mess with.

  So for the next period of time, when the round ball cried, it would be there to help it collect the data and tears, patiently comfort it, and apologize carefully; when the round ball made trouble, it would send its own information to the other party for whipping at will; and the round ball would lock it up. It stayed in the small dark room...

  After a period of running-in, although Yuanqiu was still angry on the surface, it knew that Yuanqiu had actually softened its heart.

  Without the knowledge of the ball, it ran to save the ball's host several times. After doing this, it released the ball to find its host.

  Although Yuanqiu blamed himself and scolded it, he did not say that he wanted to throw it away, and even spoke for himself secretly. Although Yuanqiu's host looked difficult to deal with, he was not a ruthless person. , did not pursue the matter too much, nor did he say that he would drive it away.

  This result finally let it breathe a long sigh of relief. As long as it can stay with Yuanqiu, it is already satisfied. The only thing that makes it feel a little depressed is that Yuanqiu actually gave it a name, called [Black Egg] 】.

  Black egg, hehe, hehehe.

  But since the ball gave it the name, what else could it do? It could only be content with it, but at the same time, it began to think more anxiously about having sex with the ball.

  So when Yuanqiu finally calmed down and put this matter aside, it immediately approached and stretched out its countless information tentacles: [Yuanqiu, let's count. 】

  Yuanqiu: 【Huh? Okay...okay. (*/ω\*) 】

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