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my alarm goes off.


where the fuck is my uniform.

i checked everywhere. wardrobe. drawers. floor. bed. oh wait... i put them in the laundry. oops.

i went to go grab them from in the laundry. once i got back in my room i put my uniform on then did my makeup and hair.

who the fuck knows what classes i have today.

i packed my bag, grabbed my keys then walked out the front door. i walked to the bus stop and waited for my bus. it finally arrived after 1 hour. actually 2 minutes. anyways i got on the bus and sat at the back.

after a few stops, the bus stopped at a place were my old house used to be. i don't know why the fuck we moved houses in the same town but we did. i was looking out the window when i saw someone get on the bus from the corner of my eye.

i turned my head to face the door. oh. great. just great.

"hey heather can i sit there?" it was aleslagdro

"why? there are 200 other seats free" i answered

"heather i know you like me"

"excuse me?" oh no what the fuck did he just say.

"you heard me"

"boy shut the fuck up and go away or your about to not be able to have children"

"oh heather, you know you love me" he said as he sat on another seat

i rolled my eyes and put my airpods in.

monster by lady gaga was playing.

the bus arrives at school and i get off. as i'm walking into the school i see lindsay, taylor and tyler. i swear tyler does not leave lindsay alone.

"hey guys" i said walking up to them

"hi heather!" lindsay turned around

i walked to my locker to put my stuff away and taylor came with me.

"come bathroom" i said dragging her to the bathrooms

"girl what's wrong" she asked

"i have gossip, but first of all do you have one?"


"okay well anyway, you know that alejandro guy? yeah well he went on my bus this morning AND yesterday he went on the bus home, so he must live near me"

"okay, and why is this important?" taylor had a point

"oh, now that i'm thinking about it, that's was fucking pointless and had no meaning"

the bell rang. me and taylor had different classes so we went our own ways.

i don't know what subject i was in but the teacher was an ass. the only people i knew in that class was geoff and bridgette. look i'm friends with geoff but me and bridgette aren't really on good terms because of the whole thing about me and leshawna hating eachother.

this lesson was shit so i went on my phone. i sort of hid it behind the table but you could still sort of see it.

"heather, is that a cellular device?" geoff said

"geoff, shut the fuck up"

"heather. phone on my table please" miss cockface said

"oops, soz" geoff apologised

"no miss, i'm texting my mum she's in hospital and my cat just got bit by a snake so we're trying to sort things out" i lied

"that's the biggest lie ever" geoff whispered to bridgette

"i don't care, you know phones aren't aloud at school. on my desk please."

"miss! please! my mum is dying in hospital!"

"heather put it on my desk now or i'm sending you to the coordinators office"

"miss what the fuck! my mum is literally dying!"

"alright heather you can go and wait outside"

i rolled my eyes and went outside to wait at the door.

"she's in mad trouble. hey miss! can we watch cars 3?" geoff literally screamed

"geoff what that is so random" bridgette said

the teacher, i don't know what the fuck her name is, walked outside to where i was.

"heather, this is unacceptable, one, you know phones aren't permitted and two, you have to watch your language"

"but miss my mum is in hospital i was just checking on her!" i argued

"i know what you were doing seemed very important but it's unacceptable. now, i'm going to write you a note and your going to go to the coordinators office"

she wrote me a note and i started walking away from the classroom. then i went to the bathroom. no way am i fucking going to see the coordinator he can get fucked.

i walked into the bathroom and went in a stall. i stayed in there pretty much for the rest of lesson on my phone.

i saw that someone added me on snapchat. ugh. of course it was that fucking alejandro guy. i'm telling you he's really starting to get on my nerves.

i accepted it anyway. i got a text straight away.

alejandro burromuerto

hey mi amor

ew what


why are you on your phone in class buddy

could say the same to you

got sent out


fuck off

i closed my phone and went outside since i heard the bell go. then the rest of the day was really boring. i didn't have to catch the bus today though. my dad picked me up. thank fuck.



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