Goku Black

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Goku Black

Former Name:


Summary of Events Before the Present:

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Summary of Events Before the Present:

Goku Black within his Timeline was actually formerly a Supreme Kai in training named Zamasu who, after a battle against the Saiyan named Goku, despised all Mortal kind. He saw them as nothing but a plague, or a blight that ruins the balance of the Universes within the Cosmos. Through killing his master, the Supreme Kai of Universe 10 Gowasu, he promoted himself to the title of Supreme Kai to obtain a powerful relic known as the Time Ring, which could only be used by those within the Supreme Kai rankings.

The Time Ring is used to travel within the Timeline, even traversing to another. Before he could accomplish his next move, he gathered the Super Dragon Balls of Universes 6 & 7 to utilize his wish to swap bodies with the Saiyan named Goku. Afterwards to cover up everything, he travelled to Universe 7's Earth to finish the job, killing Goku and his family. 

After he was successful, he travelled to an alternate Future Timeline to recruit someone to his plan, someone who thought like him and could understand him, inside and out. He recruited his Future Counterpart, Zamasu. The two formulated a plan where they could eradicate all Mortal kind, the Zero Mortals Plan. 

They started by travelling to all 12 Universes and eliminating all the Supreme Kais. Their main reason for doing this is because the Supreme Kais are linked to their respective Gods of Destruction, which are beings that were formed to destroy as their purpose. Once he achieved his goal, he left to Earth to begin the next phase of his plan. 

He eradicated most of Humankind from the Earth, however due to the efforts of a Resistance and Trunks, Trunks kept trying to fend him off. This in turn gave Goku Black an edge as he was constantly getting stronger every time Trunks got stronger, even overpowering the might of the ascended form of Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2. 

Through countless efforts, Trunks was able to travel back in time to an Alternate Timeline to get help, only for Goku Black to follow him by using the power of the Time Ring. Once arriving there himself, he ended up fighting Goku, which he always wanted to test his power against. Their fight only begun to make Goku Black even stronger as he was adapting and getting the hang of his dormant power as it continued rising even above Goku's Super Saiyan 2 form. 

However their fight was interrupted by the Time Ring trying to restore the balance because of the distortion that was left behind. Before he was sent back to the Future Timeline, he destroyed Trunks' Time Machine. Because of the thrill of the fight, his power grew exponentially, wanting to go back, but he couldn't as the Time Ring wouldn't allow him.

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