prologue - opening game

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yeji mun had always wondered how she would face death. she had wondered if she would die by the hand of old age or perhaps a disease. maybe a heart disease? or maybe an untimely accident, perhaps due to a speeding car or because she didn't look carefully before merging onto the highway. 

she'd never wondered if she would die at the hand of a sadistic twist of fate. if her screams would be muffled as she kicked and screamed and begged for someone to hear her will to live. if someone would be kind enough to rescue her from the shackles of death that were squeezing every inch of fight left in her to live.

she wondered if people would know that she had died this way. yeji figured that they wouldn't know. there were too many people who would have to die before they ever found out that yeji had been killed by who she was soon to be killed by. death was no longer a question in yeji's mind.

she knew they were going to kill her. and she knew they'd been thinking about it for a while. there was no reason for her to fight the inevitable. yeji mun knew too much to be kept alive. and it hurt that she knew that too.

but even so, she cannot go without leaving a hint. some clue to alert those who cared enough to look that all was not as it seemed. yeji knew without a doubt that when her body was discovered, it would be discovered somewhere near a tall building, with every sign that she had jumped.

a suicide note in her pocket. a forged story of guilt, possibly atoning for the sin of going against those she shouldn't have been curious about. witness testimonies of those who had been paid off to work out some story of how she'd thrown herself from the top floor of a building.

anything to cover up their murder. anything to cover their blood stained hands in skin colored paint.

what they didn't know was that blood hard to get out without leaving a trail. and yeji would be damned if she died without making sure at least someone would raise suspicion if she had truly taken her life or not.

and as her mind worked at a mile per minute, yeji could only think of six people who would be able to figure out why and how she had died. her parents would cause a riot, and knowing them, they wouldn't rest if her body wasn't recovered - the only reason why yeji knew for a fact that they would forge her death as a suicide. but her parents couldn't save her. they wouldn't know what to look for. but these other people - they'd find her and they would know.

vivi song. sunghoon park. jay park. jake sim. prim sansom. zoela madlala.

these were the only people who could save her spirit.

when they drag yeji's lifeless body to where they were going to dispose of her near a building, carefully putting a suicide note in her pocket, the horrid people fail to notice the woman staring at them, dark eyes fixated on the dead body before she vanishes in a silent whoosh.

the game had been started by white - now, it was the six's turn.

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