Chapter 7: Soozi

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Monday/[Your POV]

Me and Sooyoung go to our classroom. We opened the door. Still nobody here. I looked at Sooyoung with an questionable look. She looks at me and shruggs. We go in and sit on our seats. Then the door opens and Dino,Vernon and The8 enter the class room. ,,Morning Noona" Dino waved cheerfully. ,,Morning guys" Sooyound and I said. The8 sits beside me and Vernon and Dino are sitting behind me. School didn't even started yet and I'm already bored, but luckily this week the holidays are starting, so I only have to survive this week. 


,,Okay class dismissed" our teacher said. ,,So where should we eat lunch?" The8 stands up. ,,Let's eat outside" Dino said while standing up. ,,Okay let's go" Vernon stands up. We walked outside. ,,Yah! Wait for us!" somebody shouted. We all turned around and see the rest of Seventeen. ,,Ehhm Sooyoung can I talk to you for a second?" Woozi looked down. ,,Yes! What's up?" Sooyung asked. ,,I want to talk to you ALONE" I looked at the boys confused. They just laughed. ,,Ok" Sooyoung said. They started to walk off. ,,Okay what was that?" I asked while facing the boys. ,,He's going to ask her out" Vernon said. My eyes widen in shock. ,,Awwww really? Finally!" I jumped around like a little kid. ,,Yes really" Vernon holds my shoulders to stop me jumping. Sooyoung I'm so happy for you... I hope your relationship lasts forever...

Sunday night (One day before confessing)/[Woozi's POV]

We all sat in a circle on the floor of our living room. ,,I'm going to confess my love for Sooyoung" I stand up. They all looked at me shocked, but then they started clapping. ,,Finally hyung. I already have a ship name for you guys! It's Soozi!" Dino said excitingly. We all started to laugh. ,,Okay how should I confess?" I sit down again. They all started to think. ,,How about a bouquet?" Hoshi said. We all nodded. ,,She has allergy" The8 added. Sigh~ ,,She's not going to die from it right?" Vernon said. ,,No, but she's going to sneeze like crazy" The8 said. ,,Just make it simple hyung. Just tell her that you love her" The8 said. They all nodded. ,,Okay" I said. ,,Okay guys let's sleep tomorrow is a big day for Woozi" S.Coups said. ,,Okay good night everybody" we all said and went into our rooms. 

Me and my roommates were lying on the floor. ,,Are you nervous hyung?" Seungkwan asked. ,,Yes" I said worried. ,,Don't worry she's going to accept your feelings" Vernon said. ,,Thanks" I said. ,,I'm happy that you like her. I think you two suit each other well" The8 said. ,,But if you hurt her..." ,,I know. I know. You're going to kill me. Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt her" I cut him off. We all started laughing.


Next morning/[Still Woozi's POV]

,,Sooyoung can I talk to you for a second" I looked down. ,,Yes! What's up?" she asked. ,,I want to talk to you ALONE" I said. ,,Ok" she said. Sooyoung and I were walking behind the school building. My heart was beating so fast. I'm so nervous... Maybe I should not confess... No! If I don't do it now I maybe won't be able to do it in the future! Okay Woozi let's do this. ,,Okay what's up?" she stopped walking. I turned around and faced her. ,,I like you Sooyoung" I said. ,,What?" she looked shocked. ,,I said I like you Sooyoung" I said. She started to smile. ,,Really?" she said. ,,Yes" I said. She suddenly hugs me. I was so surprised, but then I hugged her back. I let go of her. ,,But you didn't say that you like me back" I pouted. ,,I like you too Oppa" she said. I hugged her again and spun her around. ,,Yah! Let me down" she said. I let her down and kissed her. She was shocked, but then she kissed me back. We broke the kiss and smiled at each other. ,,Okay let's go jagiya" I said and held her hand. 

[Vernon's POV]

We were all sitting on the grass and were eating. ,,What takes them so long?" (y/n) looked around impatiently. ,,Let them be. They will come" The8 strokes her head. She crossed her arms and started to pout like a little kid. ,,Aigoo~" The8 strokes her head again. I'm really jealous! Don't misunderstand me I know that they're just best friends, but I want to that to her too. ,,There they are!" Sooyoung pointed at two persons. Woozi and Sooyoung were holding hands. ,,Oh my god! They are holding hands. It's official they're a couple" (y/n) fangirled. Woozi and Sooyoung stopped in front of us. Woozi looked at their hands and then smiles at us. ,,So are you two a couple now?" Dino asked. They looked at each other and smiled. ,,Yes! Yes we are" Sooyoung said. ,,Kyyaaaaa!" (y/n) screams and hugs Sooyoung. We all stand up and congratulated Woozi. Then The8 put his arm around in my shoulders. ,,You should confess too" he winked. I looked at him shocked. But actually I started to like her. Maybe I should confess too... Ding Dong~ the school bell rang. ,,Okay guys we have to go to our afternoon lessons" S.Coups says. We all went in our classes.


,,Okay class dismissed" our teacher said. ,,Okay let's go home" The8 said. ,,Let's go!" several voices shouted. We looked at the door and the rest of Seventeen were standing at the door. We all went home together.


That evening at your dorm/[Your POV]

Sooyoung and I were laying on her bed. ,,I can't belive that Woozi is my boyfriend" she said happily. ,,Okay how exactly he confessed" I asked. She told me the whole story without leaving something out. ,,Awwwww so cute" I said. ,,Do you like Vernon?" She suddenly asks. ,,Ehhm no why?"I asked confussed. ,,I thought maybe you like him now" She said. ,,Okay it's late and we have school tomorrow. Let's go to sleep" I stand up. ,,Okay good night" she said. ,,Good night" I said. I went to my room and layed on my bed. ,,Do you like Vernon?" Sooyoung's voice echoes in my head. Do I like him?

Meanwhile at Seventeen's Dorm/[Vernon's POV]

My roommates (The8,Woozi,Jun and Seungkwan) and I were in our room and layed on our blankets. Knock~Knock~ somebody knocked on our door. ,,Come in" we all said. The door opens and the rest of Seventeen showed up. ,,Let's sleep in the living room together" Dino said. We all stand up with our blankets and went to the living room. We all layed down on the floor. ,,We are all happy for you Woozi" S.Coups said. ,,Thanks guys" Woozi said. ,,And don't forget" The8 starts. ,,If you break her heart we're going to kill you" we all said together. ,,Yah! How can you guys do that do me? We're brothers" Woozi said sarcastically. ,,We know, but Sooyoung is our sister too now" S.Coups said. We all started to laugh. ,,Yah! Vernon when are you going to confess to (y/n)?" S.Coups suddenly says. ,,What?!" I said shocked. They all started laughing at me. ,,We all know that you like her" Dino said. I looked at The8 angrily. He just winked. Aish~ This guy. ,, Don't worry Vernon we will help you" Dino said. ,,He'll need a lot of help, because he's always so cold..." Woozi said. ,,Maybe he doesn't even have a heart" S.Coups jokes around. ,,Yah! I can still hear you!" I shouted. They all laughed. ,,But if you break her heart" The8 starts again. ,,We're going to kill you" they all said and started laughing.

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