I'll protect you (S3 Ep24)

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-Gabriel and Lila were once again having a conversation..

G- I thought you were supposed to protect Adrien from Marinette, the one you said was a bad influence.


L- My plan is taking a lot longer then expected sir, but you won't be dissapointed. Will you keep your promise if i succeed?

G- I always honor my commitments. 

-Gabriel said as he closed the window and drove away

-Nathalie was worried about Gabriel because he was working so hard for his plans to get the miraculous, when they always failed..

N- You work to hard sir. 

G- Now it's not the time to ease up Nathalie. 

-The same day..

-Gabriel was working in his office when he felt all kinds of strong negative emotions..

G- It's time Nathalie..

-Nathalie nodded at him as they both went down into the lair

G- Norroo, drak wing rise!

-He said as he transformed

H- Lila Rossi was right. This was worth the wait! The downfall of Marinette brings about the despair of evryone who trusted her. 

-He said with a smile, as he knew that this plan would finally succeed!

H- I can feel the huge waves of negative emotions as they come crashing down! 

-He akumatized the butterfly as he spoke

H- Are you ready Nathalie?

N- More then ever.

-She said with a smile looking at him

H- Catalysed, im giving you back to the power to rturn me into Scarlet Moth!

-She got akumatized into Catalysed

C- From now on, you are the almighty Scarlet Moth!

-Hawk Moth turned into Scralet Moth

S- Thanks to you, i can now release as many akumas as i desire! Fly away my little akumas! Find Marinette and her friends, and evelise them all!

-All the akumas flew away 

C- I am sure we will secceed sir.

S- We need to Nathalie!

-Evryone included Marinette got akumatized

H- Verity Quee! Princess Justice! I am Scarlet Moth. Since the innocent isn't to be believed anywmore, im giving you both the power to expose the truth! As for you my dear loyel ones, disappointed by she you ones admired so much, i am glad to have you back. And in return you will bring me Ladybug and Cat Noirs Miraculous!

-During Scarlets Moths whole speech Nathalie started feeling a coughing fit coming up, but she didn't want to ruin all of this for him. In th end she couldn't take it anymore. She started coughing. 

S- What's wrong?

C- Nothing. Evrythings fine!

-Even though Nathalie said that evrythings fine, Gabriel wasn't convienced. He ran up to her to help her why he siad.

S- Dark wings fall!

-Nathalie automatically transformed back to her normal selve

N- Keep going!

-But it was already to late, Gabriel was kneeled next to Nathalie both of his hands on her waist. Nathalie was looking at him right in the eyes, totally lost in them. 

G- Nathalie are you alright!

N- why did you- (Cough) do that!? We could have succeded! This is all because of me..

G- No it isn't! Nathalie, your health means more for me then those stupid Miraculouses!

-Nathalie blushed a bit of his words

-Then Gabriel picked her up as he walked to the elevator with her. 

-A few moments later..

-He layed Nathalie down on the chair as he imideatly called the doctor to check up on her.

-A few moments later the doctor arrived and examend her

D- Like i said mister Agrest, make sure she gets lots of rest.

G- Ofcourse, thankyou doctor. 

-He said as the gorilla excorded her outside

N- Perhaps you could still take adventage of the chaos that Lila Rossi has wreaked. 

G- That plan is pointless without you.

N- Your right, then i have to.

-As Nathalie wanted to stand up Gabriel puts his hand on her schoulder, guestering for her to lay down again. 

G- There will be no more Catalysed or Mayura. I told you using a broken Miraculous ends up breaking it's wearer, the wounds of the Miraculous are becoming your wounds. 

-Gabriel said with a sad and worried expression on his face.

N- I don't care Gabriel, i want to help you. 

G- Not at that cost, never at that cost again. 

-He said as he thought about Emilie..

G-I will stay with you for a moment to make sure you rest.

N- You don't have to-

G- Yes i do, Nathalie. 

-Gabriel said as he sat down on the chair next to her

-Some time later..

-As some time passed by Nathalie had fallen asleep, so did Gabriel.

-Nathalie slowly waked up as she got a risky but evil plan

-She stood up and got the peaucouck Miraculous from Gabriel.

N- Shh.

-She said to Noroo, so that he wouldn't wake up Gabriel.

-Then she bought a eiffeltower from someone to place in her amuk, she got to the sewer and placed on the brooch. 

D- Woohoooo, your feeling better already!

N- (Coughs)

D- Oh no, spook to soon. Then- what are we doing here?

N- Gabriel will never allow me to do this, but i am going to create a very powerfull sentimonster! The most powerful one that's ever existed!

D- No! Don't do that! You should be resting!

N- Gabriel so despreatly wants the Miraculous, and i want to be the one to give it to him!

-Nathalie said in a serious tone to dussuu

D- (Cries) It's so romantic!!

N- Dussuu, spread my feathers!

M- Go my beautiful amok, and bring my creation to life! (Smirks)

-She turned the feather into an amuk

-As she made the Ladybug sentimonster she spoke

M- Ladybug, i am Mayura. You are Cat Noirs true teammate and you have only one goal, to get hold of the Miraculous!

SL- I am ready Mayura. 

Parts two soon..

I hope you guys don't mind the photo being a bit blurry, see ya sooonnn!💖


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