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The woman knew who whispered her name. Her steps halted, but she looked down at the floor instead of turning around. "Martouf, anything you say..."

"...will make it harder," Martouf finished. "I know, but I wanted...needed to see you and Jolinar before you left."

Rosha turned around and faced him. "We've left on missions before, as have you and Lantash. This is no different."

Martouf wouldn't be able to explain why he felt the need to see them again. He almost felt as if they wouldn't return from this assignment, but such thoughts were ridiculous. He bowed his head, and Lantash took over so Rosha/Jolinar couldn't see how worried he was. Lantash was better at hiding such emotions.

Lantash spoke in his usual deep voice. "It is not the mission itself, but that you leave so soon after Martouf and I have returned from our mission. As the years have passed, we have seen less of each other. We miss you."

Rosha's head also bowed, and eyes flared as Jolinar took over. "Rosha may be too polite say, but, you are lying. Martouf's expression is more than just missing us."

Lantash said nothing at first, but knew she was expecting him to give a reason. "Ever since Netu..." He left it at that, knowing that they didn't like to talk about whatever happened. He took the hands of his love, and kissed her.

Jolinar responded, kissing him back, closing her eyes. She knew Martouf was given control when the kiss became softer, and waited a few seconds before giving Rosha control. A few seconds later Lantash had control again.

Rosha looked into Lantash's eyes as she stepped back. "I will be back."

"Return safely," Lantash said, and then gave control back to his host.

Martouf gave that smile that he often had. "We await your return."

Rosha nodded, and then walked to the device to dial the Chaapa'ai. She walked over, stopped before entering, and turned around.

Martouf watched as Rosha smiled at him in reassurance, then turned around and left. He continued to watch, even after the lighted puddle disappeared. He was still worried. Even Lantash couldn't help him rid the feeling that this would be the last time he would see Rosha and Jolinar.

To be continued...

All images are public domain or from the show.

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