a series of events

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"come in," travis smiles, opening the door for the blonde. "sorry it smells like smoke. my girls were baking cookies last night and, well, we burnt them."

taylor swift giggled. "your girls?"

"yeah," travis nodded along. "i have two daughters, why?"

taylor's eyes go wide. two daughters. the blonde sighed and sat down opposite of the football player.

"is there a problem?" travis questioned, sensing taylor's body language shift at the mention of his girls.

"this just makes this so much harder," taylor shook her head. "fuck... travis."

"what's going on?"

"i'm pregnant."

travis looked confused. he didn't quite understand, rightfully so. their one night stand had occurred four months ago. his thoughts were interrupted by taylor pulling out a small black and white photograph from her purse. it was an ultrasound.

"he's yours," taylor offered a weak smile. "i'm 16 weeks."

travis reached for the small photograph and traced his fingers along his baby. "he?"

taylor nodded, a big smile threatening to appear.

"i found out three weeks ago, i just finished tour last week, but he's healthy."

travis, still in complete and utter shock, had no idea what to say. he had always wanted a son.

"you've known for three weeks?"

"i didn't know exactly know how to tell a man he got a girl pregnant after a one night stand four months ago," taylor sighed.

"you don't have to be involved," taylor quickly added, her hand finding its way onto her tummy. "we'll be fine, but i just thought you should know."

travis played with his beard, his eyes still glued to the photograph in his hand.

"i know it's a lot to take in," taylor added once more. "i had two weeks to think about it and sit with it so i don't expect a response right now, but just know i won't blame you for not wanting it."

"of course im going to be involved, taylor," travis sighed. "it's my son."

taylor nodded, her hand rubbing circles on her stomach finding a sense of comfort.

"can i keep this?" travis spoke up, finally looking into taylor's bright blue eyes. "the ultrasound."

"of course," taylor grinned. "it's your son."


"so," travis began, watching as his daughters devoured his pancakes. "there's something i have to tell you girls."

his two daughters looked up at him attentively. he knew his eldest, cecilia, would be incredibly upset. however, he wasn't sure how claire, his youngest, would handle the news.

"in a couple of months you two will have a baby brother," travis began.

"how? mom isn't having a baby," his ten year old daughter was quick to answer.

travis nodded, "well, no. a friend of mine and i are having a baby."

claire sat quietly waiting on her sister to respond, although she was only five, she was incredibly smart.

"mom isn't having a baby so i'm not having a brother," the ten year old responded.

"cilia," travis sighed. "cmon honey, don't be like that."

but cecilia ignored her father and began eating her pancakes once again.

as travis drove his daughters to school he couldn't help but feel defeated at the silence his daughters were giving him. mornings at the kelce household were never quiet, if anything, they were almost too loud and too crazy.

"have a good day sweetie," travis turned to his daughter as he parked. "i love you!"

cecilia didn't respond and simply got off her father's car.

"daddy?" claire called out.

travis smiled, "what's up sweetie?"

"when can i meet my baby brother?"

a huge grin made its way onto travis' face, "he's still not born yet, sweet girl."

"he's in his mommy's tummy right now, but once he's here i promise you can meet him."

"my mommy won't be his mommy?"

"no, claire bear," travis explained. "he has a different mommy. her name is taylor and she's super nice."

claire looked out the window confused.

"is taylor your girlfriend, daddy?"

travis sighed, since when did his five year old get so smart?

"not exactly babe, but she will be around a lot once the baby gets here, is that okay?"

claire thought about it, "can i meet her, daddy?"

"of course," travis responded. "have a good day at school my sweet girl."

and with that, his two daughters were off at school. as he drove home he decided to call taylor and inform her his daughters knew. the pair was pretty much texting every day, travis asking taylor how she was feeling, and taylor assuring him she was just pregnant and not dying.

"hello," taylor answered.

"did i wake you?" travis questioned. "i'm sorry."

"no, i was just getting out of a yoga class."

"oh, okay," travis laughed. "pregnant yoga class?"


"i just called to tell you i told my daughters about our... situation."

"you told them you knocked a girl up and now you're going to be a dad again?" taylor giggled.

"seriously?" travis laughed.

"i'm only kidding," taylor laughed, "how did they take it?"

"well," travis sighed, disconnecting his phone from bluetooth and getting off his vehicle. "my oldest, cecilia, is now giving me the silent treatment. claire on the other hand wants to meet you."

"that would be nice," taylor smiled. "i was actually going to ask if you would want to meet my parents. i know it would be hard for you to come up new york because of your girls and football, but we could fly out?"

"i think that would be a great idea."


"honey," travis knocked softly on cecilia's door. "can we talk?"


"cmon cilia, please?"

"no, dad!" his eldest responded back.

"sweetie," travis spoke once more. "i know you're upset, but i promise you this won't change anything."

the door opened slowly to reveal a crying cecilia.

"oh, baby," travis picked her up and led her to her bed. "what's going on, princess?"

"mommy forgot about us. are you going to forget about us too?"

travis sighed, kissing the top of her forehead, "no baby, never. the baby will stay with taylor sometimes and you girls will have my full attention, and when he's with me then he'll have a little more attention only because he'll be so little, but i'll never forget about you two. you girls are my babies, forever!"

"ew, dad!"


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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