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     Sophia Monroe had done a lot of scary stuff in her life as a demigod. Jumped off of the St. Louis Arch. Snuck into the Underworld. Distracted the cyclops, Polyphemus. Held up the sky. Blew up a volcano. Fought in a war against a monster army led by the titan, Kronos. But throughout every scary, life threatening quest, she always had her brother Percy Jackson by her side. Both were children of the Greek god of the Sea, Poseidon.

     Percy always had the short end of the stick, being thrown into a world that was trying to kill him and also being the subject of a huge prophecy that would determine the future of Olympus. Because of this, Sophia tried her best to be a rock for Percy to lean on. Someone he could rely on to be by his side no matter what. The siblings naturally became extremely close. They had travelled the USA together, had each others back in every imaginable situation against most of the monsters known. Sophia knew she would always have her big brother by her side.

       Her whole world came crashing down one afternoon in December when she received a frantic IM from Annabeth, her best friend at Camp Half Blood and Percy's girlfriend, asking if she had heard from her brother. Annabeth explained they were supposed to meet up in the morning but Percy never showed and cabin three was empty. All of Percy's belongings were untouched.

     Sophia froze. One of her worst nightmares came true.

     "Have you talked to Sally yet?" She anxiously asked.

     "Not yet. I didn't want to worry her. I am going to have Nico ask around. Grover is already asking the Nymphs if they have seen anything. Do you think you can ask Tyson if he has heard anything?"

     "Yeah I will. Do you want me to fly up there? Phantom can have me there today." Phantom was Sophia's brown and white paint pegasus that she met the on the way back from the sea of monsters. It was thanks to him that she was able to get to camp safely in the summer.

     "No, at least not yet. Let me see what we can find here and if I need you to, I will have you check the west coast. I will talk to you later. I need to go find Nico." Annabeth said with tears in her eyes.

     "Ok. Please keep me updated on what you find." With that, Sophia waved her hand through the mist. She made a quick IM to her cyclops half brother Tyson who promised he would ask around under the sea. Tears threatened to fall from her sea green eyes as she went running to find her Grandmother. Sophia's mother had died during birth and her father Poseidon was not present, like all the Gods and Goddesses, so all she had was her Grandmother.  She was standing over the stove cooking dinner for her and her best friends, Scott and Stiles, whose parents were working tonight so they were going to hang out and watch a movie. She stood in the doorway to the kitchen, sniffling.

     "What's wrong sweetheart?" Grandma put her spoon to the side.

     "Annabeth just called. Percy is missing. No one can find him at camp anywhere." Her tears finally fell as she ran into her grandmother's arms. She cried out of worry for her brother, afraid that after everything they had been through, he could just disappear.

     "Oh darling, I am sure everything will be alright. He will be found. He will have all of camp looking for him." Grandma stroked her shoulder length brown wavy hair comfortingly.

     "And Tyson is going to be looking down in dad's domain. I am just worried. Camp is supposed to be safe."

     "Camp is safe. Percy will be fine. I can feel it. Now let's get ready as the boys should get here soon." Grandma wiped Sophia's eyes and pushed her towards the living room.

     An hour later, Scott and Stiles show up in Stiles' blue jeep. They let themselves in and went to give Grandma a hug. Neither one has any grandparents around so Grandma has treated them as her own.

     "There are my boys. I hope you two are behaving yourselves." She kisses each of their cheek.

     "You know us Gran!" Stiles grins.

     "You never behave." Scott smirks. Stiles smacks him.

      "You better go keep Sophia company. She just got some bad news about her brother. Dinner will be ready in a few."

     Scott and Stiles went into the living room to find Sophia on the couch with her phone on the coffee table in front of her.  They took a seat on either side of her. She leaned on Stiles shoulder and wrapped her arm around Scott's.

"What happened Soph?" Scott asks.

     "Percy went missing from our cabin at camp. No one can find him anywhere." Sophia has been friends with Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski since they were young. Sophia's mom, Alexandra, and Stiles' mother, Claudia, were best friends themselves growing up so Claudia made sure their kids grew up together. Scott came along to join their group a little later. Both boys know that Sophia has been going to summer camp that is run by her father's family but they are unaware that her father happens to be a Greek God. They have heard all about her brother Percy and know how much he means to her.

     "I'm sorry Soph. I'm sure he will be found soon." Sweet Scott always tries to make her feel better.

     "Where was he last seen? Why was he at camp in December? Who was around camp at the time? When-" Stiles also has ADHD like Sophia and loves figuring puzzles out. His brain moves a mile a minute and he is unable to focus on anything else once he gets going.

     "Jeez Stiles. Give her a break with the twenty questions." Scott goes to slap him and Stiles just leans back to avoid it. A giggle escapes Sophia at their antics. Always can count on the boys to cheer her up.

     "No one knows where he is. He was at camp visiting Annabeth since they are in the sickly sweet phase of their relationship. None of his stuff was moved Beth said. Its like he literally just disappeared." She hung onto her boys. They both remembered when she came back from camp this summer, she was a little more clingy than normal. Sophia said it was just a rough summer at camp but she did not tell them that she was a part of a battle in Manhattan to protect Olympus from the army Kronos brought. Many demigods died that summer and Sophia was slowly recovering from the scars the battle brought both mentally and physically. She took a nice deep breath and gave herself a hard mental shake. She can't help Percy if she sits here all broken and shit. "I am sure we will find him. I am trying to stay positive. A lot of people are looking for him. I just don't like not knowing and being away from everything."

    She quickly wiped her eyes and avoided the hands that went for her sides. Laughing she danced away from the two boys who were looking to gang up on her. They made another grab for her but she ducked under their arms as they all heard Grandma yell "dinner" from the kitchen then rushed to beat them there. She heard bickering behind her as they pushed each other to race after her.

     Dinner was delicious as always, lasagna and garlic bread. Grandma packed up the leftovers for Stiles' dad, Noah, and Scott's mom, Melissa, while the teens cleaned the dishes. Sophia scrubbed, Stiles rinsed and Scott dried. Then it was time for their movie. It was Stiles turn to pick and like always he picked Star Wars Return of the Jedi. The teens sprawled out on the couch while Grandma headed up to her room to read. Sophia brought out her softest blanket for comfort.
      She thanked the gods for her best friends. She hoped Percy would be found soon so all would be right with the world again.

*I do not own PJO or Teen Wolf. I do own my OCs.*

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