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"Well we went to middle school together, boys used to bully her of course. Me being me, I didn't like that. So we became very close, I lost my virginity to her. She was out here giving it up but I didn't care, you I was a boy. Well we tired the whole relationship aspect and that didn't last 3 months. It was something new everyday. When we broke up, she wanted to keep fucking but I got tired of fucking. It became toxic after a while" he said as he drunk the rest of his water.

"Dave you're saying a bunch of nothing. Stop fucking playing and just tell me everything" I said while readjusting myself on the couch.

"Like I said I broke up with her and she went crazy. I'm mean just letting any nigga fuck. I would get into relationships with females and it would be going good and then Kemara would come fuck shit it. It was like clock work, no matter how hard I tried to hide the girl. She always knew." He said as he sat back on the couch


"Look either you gonna listen to me and what I have to say or I'm getting up and leaving. Pick, because you are not going to keep yelling at me because your upset" He said in a calmly voice which scared the fuck out of me, and left me speechless, but I kept my mouth shut, so he can continue.

"She went missing after a while. Nobody could find her. I went about my life and lived normal. It was a right before I graduated high school, it was a party everyone was out this night, I was at the party with my brother and friends. She saw me and it was a shocker moment like this girl is here. She asked if she could make me a drink, I didn't mind because she was infront of me. I drunk the drink" he said as he put his head down for a bit. This was the first time I seen him put his guard down.

"What. Dot finish kept going please" I said as I moved from my couch to his sitting next to him.

"Never in my mind would I think someone would drug me. All I remember from that night was being in a room with Karama and her friend Tiffany. The next morning I woke up in the hospital, my mom and king was by the bed waiting for me to wake up. The look on my mom's face, she was furious. But the look on King face, you would think they said I was dead for good. I never saw King cry but when I woke up, I saw a relief come from off his shoulders" he said while wiping his tears away, my eyes watered as I tried to blink away my tears from falling.

"Is that why y'all are so close now" I said softly. And he nodded his head.

"The nurse came in the room and told me that it was substances in my system. Meth, Herion, and Fentanyl. In my system. That bitch tried to kill me bae. She tried to take a night out" he said laughing a little while leaning back on the couch staring ahead to where I was once sitting at. Tears fell from my eyes not knowing how to feel. Dave pulled me close to him, I laid my head on his chest.

"When I got out the hospital I wanted to kill her, I went looking for her everyday. But she vanished, and disappeared from NY. I graduated and went to college, got kicked out but another college gave me another opportunity and that where I saw Tiffany. She asked if we could talk and I met her in her dorm room, and she told me everything that happened that night" he paused making me look up, his eyes was shut tight as tears fell from them. I grabbed his free arm pulling it around me as we both cried.

"You don't have to finish. I'm so sorry...."'I said feeling horrible now.

Dave POV
"That night I had to make a decision wether if I was going to let her decision effect me or continue to be great. I wanted to choke the bitch Tiffany out honestly but I couldn't, something in me was stopping me. Comes to find out Tiffany was raped and drugged that night as well. I found Karama's instagram and I noticed she had a baby girl named Kairi Chanel Brewster, she looked just like me, I knew she was mine but I never nutted in Karama. Well that night everything happened, she saved every piece of my nut and I'm talking every drop. How I don't know but she did. Ling story short Amoura and Kairi are a year apart. I reached out to her but I got nothing back. I just wanted to meet my daughter." I said while clearing my throat I looked down seeing Ari in tears as she covered her mouth so she wouldn't cry out loud.

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