Into the Rookwood castle

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A few weeks passed since the sinister trip to the scriptorium. Aida sometimes felt her body aching, that curse left a scar on her body. It didn't look so serious, but still, this scar will remind her what she volunteered for.

After classes she headed to Hogsmeade to meet Natty, after she promised Aida a butterbeer for the last time she helped her. She tightened the scarf around her neck, before she could catch a cold. Even though Floo-travel was faster, she needed some fresh air, despite the cold. It was mid-November, the weather cooled down day by day. Christmas is around the corner, so is the unwanted family gathering she must attend. Let this be her smallest problem for now.

At halfway, her instincts told her to go down the path, when she arrived at a crossroad. In the left direction, she noticed an abandoned ruin. Letting her instincts lead her, soon whisps appeared under her feet, meaning, she might find trails of ancient magic. She remembered Professor Rookwood's words, after she arrived from Rackham's trial. Around the area, she might be able to find hotspots, where the ancient magic lay below. She approached the ruins, then the ground softly shook beneath her. She swished her wand around her, revealing the power itself. As she absorbed the fragments of the ancient magic, she felt something in her. She couldn't tell what kind of feeling was, but she knew one thing about it. It was overwhelming & she knew one thing: she needed more. Aida noted herself to keep her eye more open at any ruins around the highlands. Who knows. After she savoured this feeling, she reminded herself that Natty was waiting for her.

A few minutes of walking, she arrived & honestly she couldn't wait to take a break from the upcoming problems she has to face in the near-future. As she entered the Three Broomsticks, Natty noticed her already & waved her.

- Aida, over here! - she greeted the blonde. Aida saw her & approached the table, she also noticed a mug was already served for her.
- Hey! Did I make you wait?
- Not at all. And I kept my promise, a treat for the help.

Aida sat down & took a sip.

- Mhhh, honestly, I really needed this. The past few days were quite rough.
- How so?
- You know, I was pretty busy with studying. And if I need to pass the O.W.L.-s I have no choice, but do my best & catch up to you guys.

- I understand, really.

Aida took more sips, before she spoke again.

- How about you? How are things, since we freed Highwing & got proofs against Harlow?
- Nothing special happened. Yet, I'm already on alert, what if Harlow will make another step? But it won't be easy, you see, my mother started to suspect what I do when I'm outside of the school.
- Uh oh?

Natty just waved shortly indicating her not to worry.

- I can handle it, don't stress yourself about me!
- If you say so.
- Really. Anyway, will you stay here for the Holidays?

Aida shook her head in response.

- I wish... but I can't. My father summoned me home to spend Christmas with the family.
- Seeing your expressions, you don't seem excited.
- Honestly, my family isn't really picture perfect. Quite a long story... Except for my grandmother, she's the only one who treats me well.
- I wish you luck to survive. At least it's just a few days, then you can come back.

The girls lost track of time, they kept the conversation for long about casual topics, leaving the Holiday plans aside, since it was a sensitive one for Aida. Outside the sky already darkened, the silence in the tavern made the girls realise they should go back to the castle.

- When I find more information about Harlow, will you join me?
- I may... If nothing else crosses the plan. I mean, I still have a lot to do, and I'm not talking about my studies. I still haven't learnt more about my power & I need to take some time to figure out its full potential.
- Of course. - Natty nodded. - I understand you. However since my mother keeps her eyes on me, it will be even more difficult.

In the shadow of emotions (Gonna REWRITE soon)Where stories live. Discover now