All Types Of Warships Explained: Part Two

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"Before we talk about destroyers, we need to briefly talk about torpedoes."

A lot of the KAN-SENs have a chill after hearing that, especially certain ones.

"In 1866, an English engineer called Robert Whitehead invented the first effective self-propelled underwater torpedo, eponymous named Whitehead torpedo."

"I don't even know that torpedoes were that old." Hornet says as the others agreed.

"At the time, battleships were heavily armored and protected against gun fire, but only above the waterline. So the invention of Whitehead torpedo changed everything!"

"Those goddamn under water bombs that are worse than seamines!" Jean Bart shouted.

The Yamato sisters can relate that.

"Suddenly, there was a weapon that could be carried on a small, fast and relatively inexpensive boat, called a torpedo boat, that could strike ships underwater, bypassing all its armor protection."

*Happy submarine noises*

"The torpedo had the potential to cripple and even sink a battleship in one blow." The video shows a battleship was tilting and going to sink.

"I know torpedoes are powerful, but it doesn't necessary to sink us in just one shot." Yamato says with the others agree.

"Well, you can if that ship was severely damaged, like that old York-" Akagi of the Sakura Empire tries say, but Enterprise interrupts her.

"SAY THAT AGAIN!!" Enterprise shouts immediately, and Yorktown quickly clams her down.

"Calm down, Enty, it's a very long time ago." Yorktown says as Enterprise calms down.

"But wait! With all of its armament, why wouldn't a large battleship be able to annihilate a little torpedo boat?"

"I wonder why." Mikasa says sarcastically.

"See, the turbine engine allowed the torpedo boat to reach speeds that challenged the large caliber, but slow firing guns on the battleship and cruisers."

"Not when you have CIWSs lol." New Jersey says as the other battleships are upset.

"Not everyone got the same treatment as you, little J." Jean Bart says, but New Jersey didn't care.

"Me and my sisters love missiles and gatling guns. And armed helicopters too." New Jersey than materialize a Tomahawk missile and hugged it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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