Part 7

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Alysha's P.O.V

"I umm well

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"I umm well..." I froze because I didn't know he would say that. "It's ok if you don't wanna talk about it. I gotta get back to my friend Andy anyway, but thank you for hearing me out." I sigh out of relief that I don't have to say what I think about him. "Ok well, tell Andy I said 'hello' and thank you for clearing that up." Bruno nods and smiles that wonderful smile. "I will, but real quick are you a fan?" I blush and nod while saying, "Yes I am for a while now." Bruno looks at me amused and remarks, "Do I have you blushing?" I quickly hide my face with my hands. "Aha! I knew no one could resist 'The Brunz'. I have had fun talking to you Miss Alysha." I smile and say, "I did as well Mr. Mars." Bruno walks away back to his table.

 "Holy fuck, I just had a conversation with Bruno Mars about seeing his dick." I was shocked to hear him say, "I heard that Miss Alysha." I slap my forehead. "Shit!." The rest of the night was a blur. I finished my shift at the bar and headed home to find Alexis in my kitchen pouring a shot of bourbon and playing some Bruno Mars.

 I finished my shift at the bar and headed home to find Alexis in my kitchen pouring a shot of bourbon and playing some Bruno Mars

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"Hey, sis!" she says as I take off my shoes. "Hey, girl. I had the craziest day at work I'm not gonna get into it yet because Lily isn't here, but I met Bruno Mars today." Alexis stands there shocked with her mouth wide open. "You're gonna catch flies close your mouth!" I say while giggling. "I'm sorry you met Bruno Mars today and you're just telling me this now? You could've told me on your break or something!" I shake my head indicating that is not the case. "And let my boss find out and throw my phone again? Nope, not a chance. It spent 300 dollars trying to fix it!"

Right when I say that a knock comes at the door. "That must be Lily!" I say. Alexis squeals. They love hanging out with each other. They go on trips together all the time. In which they beg me to go, but I can never get out of work. 

I open the door and see a smiling Lily holding a bottle of vanilla Selvey Ray Rum in her hand. "Hey girl come on in!" Lily walks in takes off her shoes and then hugs me tightly and runs over to Alexis and hugs her as well.

"I see who the favorite is now," I say laughing. "Don't be salty Alysha. You know I love you." I playfully roll my eyes as Alexis sticks out her tongue. "So... are you gonna tell us about how you met Bruno Mars?" Lily looks at me shocked. "You're the maid who is cleaning his room? Girl, you should've told me!" I laugh harder now than I did before.  "Y'all had the same damn reaction. But I was waiting for you two to be together, so I could tell y'all all at once." They both cross their arms and yell in unison.

"WE WOULD'VE LOVED TO KNOW YA KNOW!" I run to them to cover their mouths. "Calm the fuck down people are sleeping. It's 9:45 at night!" I whisper yell. I swear they are always just being too loud. "Look I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but I'm telling you now." I take my hands off of their mouths cautiously and say, "I also may have seen his dick." 

Lily covers her mouth with my hand again and starts screaming. "Bitch you saw what? NO WAY!" Alexis squeals. Lily uncovers her mouth and says, "How did you see his dick. Was it long and thick or was it a baby carrot?"

I laugh at her. "I was most definitely not a baby carrot," I say while blushing.

"Girl tell us everything that happened. DO NOT spare any details!"

I nod my head and start telling them everything that happened including the things that happened at the bar. Once I finish Alexis starts shaking her head.

"Alysha, why the fuck would you not go on a date with him because you saw his dick. I might have to have to slap some sense into you," She furiously.

"Yeah, Alexis is right. You refused 'The Bruno Mars' because of seeing his dick and then agree to go on a date with Brett. Don't get me wrong, Brett is really sweet and nice, and shoot if I wasn't dating Devon I would go for him. But Bruno Mars called you a sexy motherfucker and he wants to go on a date with you."

"If he called me a sexy motherfucker then I would apologize to him."

I think about what they have said. Although Brett is a nice guy, I do like Bruno. He has been a crush of mine for the longest time. I think that after my date with Brett, I will consider going on a date with Bruno if he starts being nicer like he was earlier today.

"Ok I will think about going on a date with Bruno, but I can't bail on Brett that would be rude. So after my lunch date with Brett, I will consider going out with Bruno."

"Girl I don't understand you. You have Bruno Mars, but you pick Brett. Like really? He even offered to take all of us to a club and then you lied and said, 'Oh no we already got a V.I.P. table reserved.' Bitch I would have loved to go to a club with him especially if Andy was there. He just got a divorce, so I could have been his date," Alexis says upset.

"It's because Brett asked me first and I agreed to it. I don't want to hurt his feelings. That would be so unfair to him."

They nod their heads reluctantly. Although, they do understand why I have done it. Brett has always been nice and caring towards me, so I want to give him a shot. 

"At least you got his number and he got yours."

 "Yeah, I guess it is kinda cool how I got a celebrity's phone number.

"Anyways, now that you are done with all of your drama at work we can finally talk about Friday night. Since we aren't going with your celebrity crush aka 'Superstar' aka 'The Bruno Mars.'"

I roll my eyes at Lily. She is right, but she doesn't have to say it like that. I know we will have a good time without guys. We did a couple of months ago when we went to a club with my ex Ryan. I loved him with all of my heart, but then he had to go and cheat on me. I gave him my heart and then he hurt me in the worst way possible. 

"Yeah have you guys reserved a table yet?"

Alexis nods and says, "Yes, I did while waiting for you to come home."

"Great, which table was it?"

"The one closest to the dance floor. There is only one other table in the same spot."

I smile knowing that we almost have an entire section of the club to ourselves.

"Who is gonna buy the drinks?"

Lily and Alexis look at each other smiling, touch their noses, and say, "Not it!"

I open my mouth shocked and say, "How could y'all do that to me?"

"Well, you make the most money. That's how you pay for Grandma's medical bills and we aren't broke, but we are saving up for the Waikiki trip," Alexis says faking innocence.

I roll my eyes. "Whatever you say. Can we please watch some TV now? I didn't get to finish an episode because of my jackass boss."

Lily laughs, "Yeah, what are we watching? Is it gonna be some 'Real Housewives of Atlanta?'"

"You know it, girl!" I laugh.

We laugh at each other and catch up on some 'Real Housewives of Atlanta' throughout the night. Halfway through one episode, I get a text message. 

"I need to use the bathroom. I'll be right back."

I walk to the bathroom with my phone in one hand. I look at my phone to see it say, "New message from 'The Brunz.'" I chuckle while opening the bathroom door. I lock it when I stand by the door to read the message.

Hey guys I hope you have enjoyed this chapter I'm typing up the next now, but I do want to apologize for not uploading in a while. I have been so busy with school and guess what this Friday I am going to find out if I got accepted to the school I applied to. I am anxiously waiting for it! Anyway, enough of my life I gotta go. Hope y'all have a great day! :)

Your truest hooligan and swiftie,

*~*Anaya Roberts

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