chapter 6

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I could only sit there and wait until Ace came back. The sailor who brought me to his quarters was quick to leave me alone and return to his duties. I had a feeling he was avoiding being near me because of Ace.

As much as I appreciated it, I also hated being alone right now. Having Johnny's company wouldn't be so bad but if he started asking questions... I squeezed my eyes closed. 'No, never mind I don't want him here I don't want the boy to see me like this.'

I buried my head in my arms as I sat on the floor against Ace's bed with my knees pulled to my chest. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do. 'I feel...gross.' I almost wanted to be back home in my room, at least there I'd be somewhere familiar, and wouldn't be surrounded by complete strangers.

The sun was setting, casting a red-orange glow throughout the room. I couldn't hear much if anything from the men outside. Soon enough the light from the sun died away leaving me with only a small bit of light from a single lit candle on the desk.

The sound of footsteps approaching made me lift my head, and I watched as the door opened and Ace stepped inside. He didn't seem happy. He glanced at me before shutting the door behind himself and stepping towards his desk.

I watched silently as he grabbed some cloth that was sitting there and wiped what I assumed was blood off of his blade.

He didn't say a word or let his eyes stray towards me as he opened a drawer and grabbed some matches to start lighting various candles throughout the room.

'Was he mad at me? Surely he didn't believe what those men said about me flaunting myself! I never meant for any of this– I didn't ask to–'

"Violet." He finally spoke up, snapping me out of my thoughts. I blinked and looked over to see him standing beside me with his hand outstretched to help me up.

Wiping a stray tear from my cheek I took his hand and he pulled me up to my feet. Letting it go, he then gently grabbed my forearm to look at and I followed his gaze to my bloodied sleeve. Grabbing the top of the shirt he pulled it down. Over my shoulder to reveal the cut and I winced, looking away as the stinging pain became noticeable.

Humming to himself he then stepped away and went over to the door to step out for a moment. I held my arm close and watched through the door as he spoke to someone then came back inside. He then proceeded to go over to his desk and open a large drawer to pull out what looked to be gauze and some other stuff.

He grabbed a bottle of alcohol and hesitated briefly before eyeing me. "Want a drink?"

I nodded and he set the things he gathered, down to grab two glass cups. Popping open the bottle he poured us both a cup then came over handing me one. I gladly took it and sipped the drink only to recoil slightly at how spicy it was.

Ace chuckled slightly seeing my reaction before downing his drink in one go and setting his glass back on the desk. "Whiskeys a bit stronger, might burn a little at first... Come here." He beckoned me over and I obliged.

He had me sit down in his fancy chair and he kneeled beside me before he took my injured arm into his grasp once more to look at it.

There was a quiet knock on the door and Ace told them to enter, without even turning his back to look who it might be. I was surprised to see Johnny open up the door carrying a wooden bowl of water with a clean rag.

Once he saw us and his gaze moved to my bloodied arm his face twisted in horror. "What happened?!" He quickly came over, careful not to spill the bowl. Ace gestured for him to set it on the ground next to me which the boy did before standing back up to stare at my injury. "h-how did this happen!?" He exclaimed worriedly.

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