Twisty Feels(OS)

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Note: This is an excerpt from Flames. An edited version will be in Flames, when we move forward with the story(I don't know when). I hope you all like it and enjoy it.

Not proofread, really don't have time for that, please point out any errors and I will edit.


Arnav stood waiting for the T at Leechmere station. He was already running late for his internal policy management class. Not having anything since last morning was already taking a toll on him. Deeply regretting his decision to take an extra class this semester so that he could go India for summer, he checked his todo list and found that he was running out of groceries and he had to do laundry and pay his electricity bill.

Adulting sucks man.

he heard the announcement and he closed his eyes in frustration and stomped his feet dropping on the metal seats by the wall.

He fucking hated MBTA. It is all because of Shyam Jeeju he thought to himself as he opened his kindle and continued reading the book he started last week.

The train came 10 minutes later and Arnav only remembered hearing the announcement and stepping into the train and hearing someone speaking in Hindi and thinking to himself that her accent is similar to someone he was very close to.


"Khushi I think we should call ambulance. I am calling 911.", Arnav heard someone saying.

"Hardik must be close by, he said he is only 2 minutes away. You know how expensive ambulances are. Let's just wait for Hardik I say.", he heard the same girl with accent speak.

"Yeah sure.", he heard the other guy snort.

"I'll try reviving him.", he heard the girl say and felt someone sprinkle water on his face and he could feel water on his face and the fog started clearing but his eyes still felt heavy.

"He is waking up.,", the girl said and as he opened his eyes he saw the preetiest pair of doe eyes looking at him with care and worry.

"Are you feeling better ?", the girl asked and he could only nod in response as he frowned trying to understand what happened and where he is.

Looking around he found he is in Park Street where he must have got down to take a red line T, he realised he must have fainted and these people who were now looking at him with worry found him.

"Yeah yeah. I am better.", he said trying to clear his throat and stand up but his legs felt like a jelly and his head started spinning again.

"Oh ho, you are so not okay.", the girl said and helped him stand up.

"What happened ?", another guy with specs came running and looked at the trio.

"he fainted. I want you to check is he is okay.",the girl said and the guy approached Arnav and Arnav took a step back.

"Relax. I am a doctor at Brigham Women's.", he said showing his ID and Arnav nodded before sitting down on one of the waiting seats.

"I think I am just hungry. I'll just grab something along the way. Thank you for helping.",Arnav said taking his bag once the doctor checked his basics.

"Take care.", he heard the girl say before they walked away in opposite directions.

He was just going to take a turn down when he looked back for the last time and she looked at him too and smiled before whispering something to the doctor and running towards him.

"Please have this.", she said handing him a small steel container and running to catch the next green line.

"She was pretty. Should have asked for her number.", Arnav thought before taking a bite of the chole rice from box as he was seated in his train. Fuck he missed tbs lecture.

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