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"happy birthday to you!" his five friends all sang, finishing the birthday song with cheers and claps.

donghyuck smiled before closing his eyes and making a wish, blowing out his candles shortly after.

"wow, our hyuck is 20 now... getting so old," chenle said, dramatically wiping his invisible tears.

"shut up, i'm not old! if anyone's old it's that guy," donghyuck replied with a chuckle, motioning to the boy cutting the cake.

"i'm the one holding a knife right now hyuck, do NOT test me," renjun replied, his hand visibly gripping the knife harder. donghyuck nervously chuckled before cooing and rubbing his friend's shoulder as an apology.

"where's mark-hyung?" jisung asked, noticing the eldest was absent from the table. the six of them looked around the cafe a bit before shrugging it off.

"probably trying to get his hands in another girls panties," jeno said, earning a couple chuckles.

but he wasn't wrong, only 10 feet away from them was the canadian boy trying to rizz his way into a girl's heart.

donghyuck jokingly gagged and covered his eyes.

"seeing mark trying to flirt makes me nauseous," donghyuck laughed, his other friends laughing as well.

renjun served his friends some of the fruit cake they had bought for the sunny boy's birthday, swiping some frosting on said boy's nose as well. donghyuck chuckled softly and ate the cake along with his friends, smiling brightly.

"wow, you guys know me so well for getting a fruit cake," donghyuck said while holding his heart dramatically, seemingly touched by his friend's actions.

"we got you fruit cake because you're fat and need to eat more nutrients," jaemin joked, barely able to finish the sentence because of his laughter.

"whatever!" the birthday boy scoffed before laughing too.

after a few minutes of laughing and eating cake, the canadian boy returned to the table with a smile plastered on his face.

"ew hyung, stop smiling before i have nightmares," jisung said, earning a giggle attack from the smiley chinese next to him.

mark sighed happily and showed his phone screen to his friends, revealing a brand new contact in his phone that he assuringly got from the girl he just talked to. renjun scoffed and snatched the phone, immediately deleting it.


"know your priorities mark- you literally ran away three seconds into the birthday song to go get some random hoe's number," renjun said, handing back the phone seemingly annoyed.

after all, mark was their university's heart throb. his relationships never lasted and he was a player. a new girl every week, donghyuck and jaemin even have an ongoing bet about how many girl's hearts he'll break by the end of each month.

mark just rolled his eyes in response.

"she is not a random hoe! she's different.." mark said, slowly smiling to himself.

donghyuck gagged again at the sight, "fucking christ i could go my whole live without seeing mark with hearts in his eyes,"

"you're just jealous i get more pussy than you," mark scoffed in reply.

donghyuck just tsked and continued to eat his cake.

after a couple of hours or so, the "dreamies" (as they call themselves) split up and went home. it was the usual; chenle and jisung going to the chinese's house to play video games, jeno and jaemin going to their shared dorm to fu- i mean to cuddle in a friendly way, mark probably going to a party to go hit on some girls, leaving renjun and donghyuck together.

"should we head back to the dorm? i just need to unwind right now," renjun suggested, groaning a bit and stretching his arms. donghyuck nodded, humming in agreement before heading out with the latter.

the two silently but peacefully walked side by side to their dorm, which was only a couple blocks from the cafe. donghyuck let out a heavy sigh before clearing his throat.

"do you wanna be in a relationship, injun?" he asked, the question was random but tended to float in the back of his mind. renjun shrugged.

"i'm not really looking for someone right now.. but we'll see i guess," the boy sighed before looking up at the brunette, "and you?"

donghyuck thought hard about it, and actually he didn't even know the answer himself.

the thought of having someone to love scared him.

"ehh, no not right now," donghyuck replied, soon making it to the dorm and holding the door open for the older.

"on the topic of relationships, mark was really pissing me off earlier," renjun spat, balling his hands into fists. donghyuck chuckled at the boy's anger.

"wasn't that just annoying and fucking rude? can't you at least agree on that, hyuck?" renjun whined a little, emphasizing how frustrated this made him. donghyuck just hummed and nodded, letting his friend burn off his steam.

"i mean- weren't you hurt when he literally stopped singing happy birthday to go kiss up to some bitch?!" renjun frowned, feeling so much sympathy as always. donghyuck just chuckled and shook his head.

"it's not a big deal, really. don't worry about it," donghyuck reassured his friend, making it to the dorm and unlocking the door, following renjun inside.

"we should get back at him," renjun suggested suddenly, he had a smug smile on his face.

donghyuck chuckled, nervous at his friend's idea but went with it anyway.

"hit me with it,"

renjun smiled before pulling out a phone from his pocket, typing a few things for about a minute or so before showing his phone screen to the latter.

the screen showed a brandly new created instagram account, with the username 'fullsun_hae'.

"what's that?" donghyuck asked, still confused at what the older was trying to get at.

"let's put that bitch in his place,"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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