1. Broken Faith

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He rode in the back seat of a limousine in complete silence. He was twiddling his thumb and staring at his loose shoelace. A looming figure sat across him, but he dared not look at her face. He could feel her piercing gaze at him. Neither of them uttered a word from the trip back home from school.

The limousine slowed to a halt; the butler opened the door. Neither of them moved. The silence was loud. The tension was freezing. She sighed at the boy, a disappointment,  and got out of the car first. He followed her shortly after, for he didn't have a choice. He predicted this would happen the moment he woke up from bed. 

She clacked her high heels on the marble floor of their mansion. The maids scrambled away at the sight of her. Then they gave the boy a pitiful look before returning to their works. This was the end of him, he was sure of it. He didn't need anyone to tell him otherwise.

The workers opened the door to her majestic study. She strode right in and sat in her tall leather chair. The anxious boy waited at the door, avoiding any eye contact. They stayed like this long enough for him to plot out what was about to happen. 

"Enter, Kunikizushi." The tall woman boomed.

He did as he was told, taking a few steps inside. The guards closed the doors, blocking the boy's escape. He sighed.

"I needn't tell you anything. You know what you did." Her voice echoed through the room and sent a chill down my spine. "Speak, Kunikuzushi!" She ordered.

"..." he chooses to stay silent. One wrong move, and he will be done for.

"You made this your last day at that school. Do you know how many schools we had you sent to? Eight, Kunikuzushi." The woman pounded her fists on the table. "Why can't you control yourself, child?" She spat. "Bullying kids was bad enough but strangling them!?" She rose from her chair. Had there been no table in between, then the said 'child' would have been dead as a Timmie's pigeons.

"They took my assignments that I worked hard for. They ripped it, mother. I only got angry because those papers would have proved that I could stay in that school." He tried to explain. "I did that fighting... for you," Kunikuzushi muttered, but he knew it was no good. 

Her purple eyes showed no mercy. The young man feared what came next.

"I can no longer keep you; As the mayor I adopted you. My patience has run out dry. You proved yourself countless times that you can defend yourself. I am exiling you from Inazuma." She finally said. 

His blood ran cold. The boy's ears could not believe what it had just heard. Adopted? Exile

"I- I don't understand!" He stammered. "No one told me that was adopted. You... You called me your child." His voice was shrill. He clawed at my school shirt helplessly. He was sweating, yet he felt cold. 

"Telling you any other time was unnecessary since I thought of keeping you myself. But you proved to provoke me quite often, Kunikuzushi." The mayor took out a file with his details and stood opposite the blue-haired. "I will send you overseas to Sumeru. I am providing you with transportation and food until your destination. Im also providing your rightfully owned properties from your true parents along with some additional cargo to help you settle in wherever you please." She handed him the thick folder containing his family's details and other documents. 

She opened the door and walked out. "Your things will be packed for you, and you will leave tomorrow afternoon." She said right before she left the corner of his eye. "You will be welcomed back to Inazuma once you have completed your studies. Until then, goodbye, Kunikuzushi."

Kunikuzushi fell to his knees. It hurt so much; the emotions in him were like landslides. Hot tears stung his eyes. He sobbed on the floor weakly, unable to do anything else. All this came too fast. His heart was a mess. He no longer had a home... no, he never had one to begin with. His chest felt like someone was squeezing the life out of him. He felt betrayed. He felt enraged. 

The workers at the door left him be, and that was fine. He finally recollected himself and stood, trembling from head to toe. He stormed out of the mansion and into the forests that were beside it. He furiously wiped his tears and ran into the thicket of trees. 

He dashed in no particular direction, cross-crossing and dodging the roots and other obstacles. Once the orphan was out of breath, he leaned on a tree. Tears threatened to spill. He yelled at the top of his lungs. All living creatures scurried away, but he didn't care. Why should he? He no longer belongs here, might as well cause some damage before he left. She can't stop the blue-haired. And he definitely can't stop himself either. 

He was panting, sweating, and swearing, all of which left him drained. He plunked down, fuming. He swore never to come back to this unforgiving place. He felt wretched. He closed his eyes.

A couple of still moments lapsed. He had no energy to think of his situation.  And before he knew it, he passed out.


Hey! Author here. I've been wanting to make a fanfic with Scaramouche in it. 

:D Now is definitely not the best time because I am doing my exams. It totally is not worth caring about because it definitely doesn't have anything to do with my future. :D

Thanks for reading! Come back soon for the next chapter 🙏 ❤️ 💙 💜 💖 💗 

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